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I'm okay but i'm not okay.

It's hard to tell sometimes

Snapping out of my thoughts i put my book down

Okay imma be real. I love reading but i don't want nobody to know ..

I was always the type to try and hide my smartness if that made sense

I don't know why i did it but for example i'd pass my test and when people ask i said i failed so i wouldn't be left out

Dumb ? i know but i hated feeling left out

And people loved to call me out as the teachers pet, or a smarty pants and i hated it

My phone started ringing and i seen it was a unknown number

Answering it i put my thumb over the camera


It's Ty.

"Hey" i said taking my thumb off the camera

"Wyd ma"?

"Nothing i was on my phone" i said

"Mhm put your face in the camera"

I hesitated for a moment but i put my face in the camera

I hate the way i look sometimes

"Dang you fine asl" he said making me smile

Okay maybe i do but at least he doesn't.

"Thank you"

"Aye i'm throwing a party later on you should come by"

"Mhm ion think my daddy gone let me" i said

"Mmcht girl sneak out"

"I never did that before"

"It's first time for everything, you need to live a little" he said making me frown

Maybe he right

"Uh idk i'll think about it" I said hearing the front door open

"Imma call you back" i said hanging up

I ran downstairs and seen daddy talking to Satouri

"You know you could've came with me" he said making her laugh as he put all the groceries on the counter

"Why when i could just send you" she shrugged

It's been a few days since their last argument and surprisingly he been home a lot

I don't want to get my hopes up but at the same time i was hyped

And i finally seen Satouri with a smile on her face

I could tell she was still cautious about getting her hopes up too but at least she's smiling

"Hey guysssss" i dragged

"Hey boo" Satouri said

"Wassup, how was your day"? Daddy asked

"Good but umm i got a question and shoot me cause i know how you guys like to rock your glocks but ummmm can i go to a party tonight"? i asked smiling


"Mmcht" i sucked my teeth before looking at Satouri

"If u was your momma i would say yea" she shrugged

Satouri told me bout all her fast-in-the-ass activities she used to do when she was younger

"But you are, your my step mommy"

𝐁𝐑𝐎𝐊𝐄𝐍 𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐌𝐈𝐒𝐄𝐒Where stories live. Discover now