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Satouri let me stay home from school for a while until i feel comfortable going back

I thought it wasn't a big deal— well i tried to make it seem like it wasn't one to me even tho it is.

I don't know how to really explain how i feel.

I know it's not the same as the boy actually touching touching me but in my eyes if he did that wouldn't he do that too

It just has me wondering, also a lot of what ifs

Like what if Zion wasn't there. What if we wasn't around a lot of people. What if it went further and nobody cared or knew

The whole situation threw me off badly.

Even the day after when Zion tried to hug me i flinched

Some people gone be like it's not that serious but it is to me

Satouri been handling the situation to the best of her ability

Tyler parents got in touch with his friends parents and they trying to make Tyler and the boy apologize but i don't wanna be near them

Zion got suspended for a week and i decided to go back to school when he goes back

The school said it wasn't a big deal and Tyler and ole boy was just gonna be suspended for a while

I didn't expect nothing to really happen but hey

I haven't cried about it , i think because i haven't really talked about it

Jae walked in my room and closed the door

"You straight"? he asked

"Yea" i mumbled

He need to leave me alone

Yes i'm still mad at him.

"Satouri wanted to talk to you" he said walking out

I sighed and got up before walking to the Satouri


"You okay"? she asked

Tired of hearing that

"Yea" i sat next to her

Biggest mistake of myself, i already know this finna lead to us talking and me crying

"Nyairi it's okay to not be okay"

"I know but idk what you want me to say" i shrugged

"How did it make you feel"?

"Uncomfortable. I don't understand why he thought it was okay"

It made me feel bad about myself honestly.

Like i said.. i ended up crying

"I'm scared what if he try to touch me again"? i mumbled trying to wipe my face

I know i overthink a lot but i mean .. i have a right to overthink in this situation

"It's my fault because i shouldn't have—"

"It's not your fault Nyairi. You can't blame yourself for somebody else actions. He wanted to be childish , you had nothing to do with that. We know you did what you did a while ago but it's in the past"

"He's not gonna touch you , if he do touch you, make you feel uncomfortable or anything we can get a restraining order"

"That's dragging it"?

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