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"Nyairiii" i said knocking on her door before opening it

She jumped off Zion and pulled the cover over her body

I looked at her and looked at him

We just gone ..

I turned back around and walked back in the kitchen


"Yes"? she asked eating some chips

"Nyairi a virgin"?

"Yea, why"?

"Because wtf her and Zion be doing in her room"

"Um hanging out ..." she made a face

"Her on top him is hanging out"?

"They probably was kissing or sum. Nyairi is a virgin she too damn scared to have sex" she said

"They said they both wanted to wait, i had that conversation with them already"

"Wait until what"?

"Talk to your daughter Kiari, let's not go through this again"

She walked in the kitchen with Zion behind her

"Hey daddy" she mumbled

"Yoo" Zion said steady walking behind her



"We need to talk come on"

I looked at Satouri and she shrugged

"I don't need the talk. I know what and what not to do"

"Obviously you dont"

"We wasn't doing anything"

"Im still a virgin, i wanna wait until i'm older to make sure it's something i really want to do plus i'm too scared"

"Told you" Satouri mumbled

"He a virgin"?

"Ask him not me" i said kinda catching a attitude

"You a virgin"?

"Uh yes .. i'm waiting till i'm ready and till Nyairi ready"

"What makes y'all think y'all gone lose it to each other"

"Because she my gf" Zion trailed off

He always get nervous when he gets asked questions

"Daddy this is about me not what me and Zion plan on doing. We both virgins, the most we do is kiss what else you want to try and get out of me"?

"Okay how about we all just calm it down" Satouri made a face

Why the fuck is he in my business for

"You don't trust me"? i asked

"I didn't say that"

"You kinda implied it"

"I'm not gone argue with you, i saw what i saw"

"You saw me on top of Zion, with my clothes on. We was playing , we wasn't doing nothing"

Zion left and went back to my room

"Nyairi you not grown"

"I didn't say i was, you should know me almost better than anyone to know i'm not out here having sex. We talked about this one on one i told you where my head at"

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