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7 months later .. (beginning of july .. a month away from the first day of sophomore year)


"You ready for school"? daddy asked as we walked around the mall

"Nope, summer was fun" i frowned

So much shit happened in the past 6 months .. not really but still

Briana and Jae broke up. She cheated on him

That lead him to becoming a mad hoe. I wouldn't say hoe but .. he a hoe

Talking to multiple girls at one time. But i can see he kinda happier .. idk

Me and him got closer, we argue all the time but we closer

Satouri finally got full custody of him as well

Me and Kali became best friends over the summer, she so cool to be around

Satouri and Kayden still together, going very good

Me and Zion are together now. He asked me out on Valentine's day. So we been together for like 5-6 months

We definitely have our moments but we still solid asl

Daddy been on tour, he just getting back and he took me out to go shopping and to just spend time together

He say he don't have a gf and idk what to believe. But he been in his bag lately, making music, doing features, going on tour.

He said he don't got time for a relationship and that he's enjoying the time he has for himself, his career, and me

We didn't go out of town for summer but we had fun

Went to the pool almost everyday, went everywhere honestly

Everybody had a birthday. Jae turned 15 first, then i turned 15 then Zion did

Zion and Aj moved to a bigger apartment. Zion didn't want to at all because he grew up in that apartment with his momma but he soon came around to the idea of a new setting

"Can i talk to you about something"?

"Wassup"? he asked

"I really want to know but Satouri won't tell me, she keeps changing the subject when i ask .. can she have kids"?

"Uhhh noooo .. yessss idk how to explain it frl. She can but it's a very very little chance and if she does it's also a chance the baby won't make it. It's just something she don't like talking about"

"She told you"?

"I mean we been knew but she just confirmed it in the beginning of the year"

I remember in the beginning of the year around january going into february all the way to like now she wasn't acting like herself like she was goin through a depression or something

She's wayyyy better than she was during them few months

She still tried to do shit with us, she wasn't completely shutting us out but she was real distant

And only i know it scared tf out of Zion. I guess it was ptsd from how his momma died

He was worried asl and it only made my ass scared more but Kayden told us to calm down and shit

"Is that why she was kinda out of it for them few months"?


"She talked to you about it"?

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