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Everything about the school day was the same. The teacher either taught a new lesson, or continued where they left off, the school lunch was plain and simple, students kept their bullying antics. Nothing had changed. Everything was the same, as the first day Hailee had attended the high school Freshman year.

But there was one little thing that caused the every day routine to shift, even if only for a little bit. The lessons didn't seem difficult to understand, the food Hailee ate during lunch wasn't plain, and the students albeit keeping their habits of bullying, she felt a little safer and protected. And it was all thanks to one person.

Y/n Y/Ln.

Even Hailee couldn't fathom how she, a famous celebrity, someone who was born to be a star, and had done nothing in terms of living a simple life can be that. Simple. Taking notes in class while asking questions when she didn't understand something, the way she ate a turkey sandwich with chips, and how a girl who was a public figure stood up to Hailee's bullies making sure she was okay, almost begging to get into a fight. A new thing that caused a shift.

And all Hailee could think about throughout her day in school was how?

"It's actually very simple" Y/n said scooting her chair closer to the younger girl. Taking her pencil gently from Hailee's hand, she began to write on a new clean sheet of paper. "What you want to do is divide the mass of the material by its molar mass. The molar mass of a substance is the mass in grams of one mole of that substance. This mass is given by the atomic weight of the chemical unit that makes up the substance in atomic mass units (amu)" Y/n explained.

With a raised brow, and a look of confusion Hailee only groaned.

"How is that simple y/n? I didn't understand a word you just said" Defeated Hailee placed her forehead on the table and softly began to bang on it. Y/n only slid her hand under so Hailee was now hitting her forehead onto y/n's hand.

"It's not that bad. The first thing you wanna do is--"

"Take a break" Hailee said closing her chemistry book. "I feel dumber then before I stepped foot in the library"

"Dramatic much"Y/n smiled shaking her head. "The weight of the mass is below the element letter, and divide by Avogadro's number 6.022 x 1023"

"And you couldn't of explained it to me like that. But no you just had to go all Bill Nye the science guy with big words."

"Haiz" y/n said calmly.

"Please stop talking you're giving me a head ache."

3 hours. Thats how long Hailee and y/n spend in the library. After school y/n was ready to leave and head home but when she walked out of class she saw them. Paparazzi everywhere, just waiting to get a picture of the superstar. Annoyed that they actually showed up, y/n decided to play the wait game. She had tons of homework to do anyways, and the library was open until 8 mainly for other things such as after school activities or private tutoring.

Hailee of course didn't protest. If it meant not being seen with y/n she was more than happy to stay clear. She has watched movies and read books about that sort of thing. The rumors that would spread and how her life would change for the worse. Nope, she wanted her not so simple life, that was simple for a normal girl. But y/n was being too damn difficult.

The whole day y/n stuck to Hailee like glue, not caring who saw, but once the paps shows up it was like y/n was trying to hide. Hailee didn't know whether to be grateful or not.

"It's getting late. The papz should of left by now. School is private property so hopefully the principle took care of it. Do you still wanna go grocery shopping before we go home?" Y/n stood up from her seat, putting all her stuff away.

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