The Apathy and Urgency

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The party was in full swing, y/n happy that she had a wonderful team who were able to get her new clothes quickly. The only thing she hated was of course having hailee wait while she got ready again. It made y/n anxious, wondering if anyone will say rude and insulting things to her, or perhaps try to hit on her. She thought over and over about the number outcomes of the night, and began to get weary of people. But then again, how could she relax when Niall's threats would ring loud and in clear in her head.

The closer she got to her table, the more she felt the corner of her lip tug upwards. She let out a breath she didnt know she was holding when she saw Zendaya, Selena, and Gigi all at the V.I.P talking. Out of all her so called celebrity friends those 3 were the ones who she always had a great time, and enjoyed being around. Nice and over all good people that made her feel almost relieved that they were the ones talking to Hailee.

Quickly she walked towards them, sitting down next to Hailee. All 4 girls, turned and began to greet the young celebrity, and even Selena handed the girl a drink. Y/n smiled softly taking the drink but didn't bother to actually drink it. Instead she just left it at the table.

"Hey baby" Hailee smiled, placing a kiss on y/n's cheek. "What took you so long." She looked at her girlfriend up and down, letting out a small sigh when she noticed the completely new outfit. Hailee gave y/n an incredulous look.

"Yeah, the food started to stick to my body and I didn't want to smell like buffalo wings the entire night" Y/n laughed, adjusting herself on the seat.

"Y/n, congratulations on your many wins tonight" Selena scooted over a little more.

"Yeah, you even beat Gomez twice" Zendaya was the next to comment on the victory. "I was always under the impression you wrote those songs about becky, but now... can I assume it was about Hailee" Zendaya wiggled her eyesbrows, pointing back and further between y/n and hailee. Hailee smiled, seeing a little bit of pink spread across her cheeks.

"Something like that" Y/n said.

"Oeee do tell" Gigi said.

"Yesssss. Bitch the pot" Zendaya cheerfully shouted.

"T-the what?" Selena and Gigi both said in unison looking at the girl next to them.

"You know how people say spill the tea. Ya well My knew thing is Bitch the pot as in spill the tea in the pot" Zendaya explained like if it was the most common phrase to say.

Y/n turned her body, feeling a little excited to talk about the songs, "Well the first song was--" but like clock work something managed to interrupt her.

"Hey Hailee would you like you dance?" Y/n heard the annoying voice, she began to despise say behind her. Y/n didnt even have to turn around to know the Irish boy was back, and how she wanted to punch him again, well the urge was real in that moment. Sometimes she wishes her intrusive thoughts would win and she didn't have to hesitate or think of the consequences. Just one punch, to the face, knock him out. Thats all y/n wanted.

"Oh ma gwad, I love this song. We should all dance" Zendaya said jumping up to her feet. She moved her feet to the side, then back following the beat before stopping and pulling Selena up as well. Gigi joined the two as they all were looking at y/n and hailee.

"Niall why don't you--"

"Sure, sounds like fun" hailee said. Y/n looked at Hailee. "It's just one dance y/n. If it will get him to leave you alone then okay" hailee whispered into y/n ear.

"But I don't want him, touching you"

"You're so cute when you're jealous" Hailee chuckled, booping y/n on the tip of her nose.

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