Look At Me

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"Where are we going?" Hailee asked, watching as y/n drove into the freeway.

"I don't know" the older girl softly spoke, her eyes locked and focused on the road in front of her. "Don't tell me to stop because I don't intend to ever stop."

Driving around for what seemed like hours wasn't something Hailee had expected. She liked looking out into the city lights, but when the city began to fade she wondered where she was heading to next. As much as Hailee wanted to ask y/n or even yell at her for what she did back at the concert, she couldn't. Instead she rolled down her window all the way and stuck her hand out doing that wave motive in the wind just like she did the first time she was in a car with y/n.

Y/n saw through the corner of her eyes how lost the younger girl was in thought. She felt bad of course, putting Hailee, an ordinary girl on the spot for the entire world to see. But in some way she was glad she did what she did. 'Selfish' y/n thought though remaining silent.

Y/n quickly shut her eyes as she felt a sharp pain in her skull. Slowing down her car she pulled off to the side until the car came to a stop, and put the gear in park. This time Hailee lifted her head and looked at y/n who was tightly gripping the steering wheel.

"Are you okay?" Hailee asked, speaking the first few words in the time that they had spent in the car. Hailee turned her head out the window realizing they where in some beach area. More importantly they were by a dock, while her ears picked up the crashing sounds of waves.

"We can't go any further" y/n chuckled opening her eyes. "It's not like we can drown in the ocean"

"Lets drown and die" Hailee nodded her head. "I don't really want to live, so lets drown and die." She turned back to y/n who was staring at her. "Even if I asked you, you wouldn't die. You're a coward" Hailee said, no energy or emotion in her words. Plain, simple and soft.

Y/n revved her engine as she placed her hand on the gear shift. She put the car in drive but Hailee was quick to put it back into park.

"What are you doing?!" Hailee shouted.

"You said you wanted to drown and die" y/n shrugged.

"Reckless idiot. Really reckless idiot" Hailee shook her head. She leaned forward, taking the keys away from the ignition. "If you want to die, then die by yourself." With that Hailee unbuckled her seatbelt and got out of the car. Y/n did the same watching as Hailee began to walk away.

"Where are you going?" Y/n shouted. But Hailee didn't turn around. She didn't even acknowledged the older girl as the quick pace of footsteps approached her. Y/n stopped when she heard her phone ring. Taking it out of her back pocket she saw the id to be her cousin Isabelle though she ignored it. Holding the side button y/n turned off her phone before continuing to chase after Hailee.

Surprisingly, she walked towards the convenient store. Hailee grabbed a few chips, some drinks. Y/n took out her money placing a 100$ bill on the counter before following Hailee back out and into the beach. Still no girl spoke.

Hailee sat down and began to eat her snacks, all while y/n watched from afar. Y/n narrowed her eyes when she saw the can in Hailee's hand. Stepping closer, she grabbed Hailee's wrist while she was about to down the beer can.

"How the hell did you manage to get beer" Y/n said. Hailee snapped her hand away downing the Can like if it was the last drink on earth. But she stayed quiet. Y/n looked at the bag seeing the 6 pack and mentally slapped her forehead. How was she unable to see the cans sooner.

Hailee finally finished the last of her beer cans and y/n could see the drunkenness from the young girl. And as much as y/n tried to stop Hailee from consuming the alcohol Hailee was much stronger since y/n's illness decided now would be a good time to weaken her body for the moment.

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