Spoke The Cowards Phrase

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Zendaya ran her hands over her face, moving up towards her hair, grabbing it tightly. She really didn't expect to be playing cop during a night where everyone is suppose to be happy and celebrating the many artist's Grammy winnings, her friend y/n being one of them. But when she saw just how panic becky was, zendaya couldnt refused. Mainly because the person involved was her friends girlfriend.

Zendaya actually grew fond of Hailee rather quickly, and enjoyed her company. Thinking about being close friends in the near future.

She took the tiny vial in between her fingers, looking at it. Taking off the cap, she brought it close to her nose taking a wiff. But nothing. Or at least nothing she could use to describe the aroma now burning her nostrils. But she was smart enough to know, it wasn't good.

"Look Zendaya, I don't know exactly wether or not this vial belongs to Niall, but after everything he has done to y/n. I don't wanna take any chances" becky explained. "Especially after he threaded Hailee, I don't wanna risk anything. As much as I don't like Hailee, I don't want to hurt her."

"Have you told y/n about it?" Zendaya asked, handing the tiny bottle back to the girl. Becky rolled her eyes, letting out a frustrating laugh.

"I tried to tell her. But she really hates me right now"

"I-I'll tell her right-"

"Where the hell is Niall" the door slammed open, walking in a very angry y/n, rushing at becky, but zendaya was fast enough to catch y/n.

"Y/n/n calm down" Zendaya picked up the girl moving her away from becky. She got in front of her, turning her back to the girl still trying to prevent y/n from escaping her back press. "Relax"

"Relax. I just lost sight of my girlfriend, not mention some deranged psycho is threatening me, what makes you think I should calm down, huh!" Y/n shouted trying to push zendaya away but the girl did not budge.

"The fact that you can make things worse if you don't stop and think rationally." Zendaya said. Y/n stopped fight. She stopped moving, stopped pushing, and stopped talking. She knew deep down zendaya was right. But the thought of anything happening.

Y/n took in a deep breath, holding it for 5 seconds then let it out. She relaxed her body and finally gave in, not wanting to fight anymore. Becky hands zendaya back the vial, who shows it to y/n when she moves off of her.

"Look, we don't know what was in here. Liquid, pills, anything really. But we both know roofies are the more likely drug" zendaya said. "Becky said she doesn't know if it does or doesn't belong to Niall."

"Is it true" y/n asked, voice low.

"Niall and I were talking. He wanted me to step up my game after the red carpet incident, but I told him I was done." Becky paused trying to avoid eye contact with y/n. It was proven very difficult by the Latina. "I know you really love Hailee. I do love and care about you y/n, but I don't want to hurt you. Not after..."

"He told you didn't he" y/n mumbled, looking at the bottle in between her fingers.

"He did. I don't want you to hate me. That's the last thing I want. To fight and you saying something, and knowing you can never take it back or..."

"Can we... not talk about it." Y/n looked at Becky for a moment before dropping her gaze. Becky nodded.

"Like I said, we were talking. I wanted an out. Niall flipped out and walked away. When I looked at the floor I saw this, right where he was standing. I warned you so many times today. He never told me what his plan was, just to distract you. It's not a coincidence."

"Why didn't you tell me in the first place" y/n sighed.

"You didn't give me a chance to."

"And who's fault is that. The entire night was nothing but threats. Hailee is going to get hurt, if you don't listen she will get hurt. Do you have any idea what that sounds like?" Y/n raised her voice. Zendaya gently smacked y/n on her arm.

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