Just Being Honest

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Hailee couldn't believe what she had gotten herself into. She didn't know if her life just got turned for the better or the worse. Only that no matter how much she tried to think about anything else, her mind was completely shut. There was nothing that played in her head, no conversations that took her by storm, or the fact that she was in an expensive car with a celebrity she had only recently meant early that day.

Nothing was in her head.

Nothing but the silence and the day dream of comfort from watching the cars pass by as well as the buildings.

Leaning back Hailee rolled down the window completely, sticking her hand out, slowly doing a waving motion as the wind began to push her hand back as they drove down the PCH. Music softly playing in the background that neither of the girls attempted to turn up to wash out their own silence. It was nice and relaxing which Hailee was thankful for.

This whole day was a complete mess, and all she wanted to do was go home, lay on her bed and just forget about what happened so far.

From the bullying of the other students, to y/n proposing to her, and now being kidnapped by her future wife.

Future wife. Hailee frustratingly laughed at the thought. But, when she turned to see the older girl, she saw just how concentrated she was in driving. Like she was in her own head as well. Both hands on the steering wheel, turning her head cautiously as well as putting on her blinker before waiting a short period of time before merging.

There were times where Hailee could hear the soft breath being released from the older girls lips. But then it would be like y/n's entire body would relax and she would drop one hand and hold on the gear shift. Hailee saw how close both their hands were from touch.

This was the 5th time in the span of a single day that Hailee had been shocked that someone such as Y/n was interested in her. She needed to work on her confidence. Suffice it to say, it's taken a beating recently. Although why pretend it was ever really soaring?

She didn't like y/n, and wasn't a fan of hers, but why was she still fumbling her words and acting nervous around her. She couldn't care less that she was sitting in an expensive car next to one of the biggest celebrities of all times, and she was only 18.

"Where are we going?" Hailee finally decided it was time to speak up.

"I'm pretty hungry, why not stop somewhere to eat before I drop you off at your place." Y/n said keeping her eyes on the road. A wide grin could be seen spreading across her face. "How does McDonald's sound?" She said cheerfully looking back at her like a little kid.

"McDonald's, really? Don't you usually go to like super fancy restaurants?" Hailee raised a brow. Confused why she wanted to eat at some cheap place such as that. "Beside you don't have to drive down PCH. There was a McDonald's literally across the street from school." Hailee sighed.

"What? You don't like McDonald's by the beach?" Y/n laughed.

"Im more of an In N Out kind of gal" Hailee shook her head.

"In N Out... Okay we can go there" Y/n said turning her wheel sharply at the next turn. It caused Hailee to hit herself on the door. "Im sorry, are you okay?" Y/n said worryingly reaching her hand out and held Hailees arm.

"Y-yeah, im fine" Hailee groaned rubbing the side of her arm.

Y/n took a glance at the young girl, her head turned looking at her window.

"To be honest, you don't look so good." Y/n says, taking a few quick glances at the young girl.

Now Hailee'll be honest, she was a little offended. Although, obviously, she can see where Y/n was coming from. Her outfit wasn't that stylish, and the bullies messed her up pretty bad. Her hair was a crow nest and she had little to no make up on. But still...

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