Someday Soon is Today

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Y/n looked up from the car and scanned the area, taking everything in. The clear skies, the sounds of birds chirping, and the light breeze that brushed past her coat. Everything seemed the way it has always been when she would return home.


She was finally home in her Los Angeles mansion and she couldn't be happier. She smiled, taking her suitcases from out the trunk of her car and placed them down on the pavement.

Y/n let out a sigh in content, happy to be back in her home city. She loved New York, she wasn't going to lie. During the time that she had been living there for a few months while filming her hit tv show, y/n would spend her time roaming the streets, or looking over the city from the rooftop of her penthouse. Though she didn't like the insanely cold New York weather. California was cold, but it was tolerable, which was what she loved. But then again, y/n did love the snow, something L.A rarely had.

"Are you sure you want to do this? Your mom won't be too happy about it." Y/n was slapped back into reality when she heard the sound of her dad's voice coming from her earbuds.

She almost forgot she was on the phone with her dad. She was to busy in her own world, enjoying her thoughts. One of which came to her when she laid eyes upon her first ever house she bought. It was in secret so her mom wouldn't be able to find her, and just so she could have something of her own. A place she could run away to and still call it home.

"Dad I am an 18 year old girl, who need I remind you is legally an adult, and can make her own decisions. I wanna stop filming and just go to school, and live life as a regular teenager." Y/n laughed, grabbing her bags and walked towards the front of her house. Since she had her earbuds in, she was easily able to move around and get her things into her house without any hassle. Work smart, not hard was y/n's signature motto.

"I know bud. Your mom can be a tad bit controlling"

"A tad bit? Dad, mom is a helicopter parent. She controls my entire life. From where I live, to what I eat, who I can and can't be seen with. She didn't even let me get a puppy when I started to get anxiety attacks. Not to mention what PR relationship I'm getting into." Y/n began to rant to her dad just how bad her mother was. "Isn't that why you two divorced, and why I convinced you to secretly help me get a new house, so we could both be away from her?" Y/n sighed.

She heard the soft breathing of her dad, but he didn't say anything.

Y/n loved her parents more than anything, but slowly as she grew up things such as love began to fade. Y/n's mother Caroline put her into acting when she was only five, and began to homeschool and get her into more rolls. Then by the time she was 16, she found passion in music and her mother took advantage, helping her get a record label and starting a second career as a singer.

Her entire life revolved around preforming and y/n didn't know anything else. Always be professional, don't let anyone see you vulnerable, do not act like a child. Do anything to be on top.

Those were all the things her mother taught her.

Her dad Elijah was completely different however. He wanted his only child to be humble, act like a kid, make friends her age and live a life as a normal child without the pressures of the industry. He couldn't keep up with the constant arguing with y/n's mom that they ended up separating. Caroline of course got custody, and because of it Y/n rarely got to see and or talk to her dad. But she tried her best, and so did her dad.

Even if her parents didn't like each other anymore, and would argue just by the mere sight of each other. Y/n knew both her parents were good people, and cared, but her dad was the only one she could actually talk to. About her problems, and about anything one would talk to their best friends about. Her dad was her best friend, and her mother was slowly starting to be just another manager. Another stranger.

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