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Hailee looked all around the classroom. The loud sound of the bell ringing caused the many students to rush into the class, pushing one another in hopes of not being late to class. But as they all walked in, one by one, hailee couldn't see y/n.

It had been 2 weeks since hailee left y/n's Calabasas home. 2 weeks since she last seen the girl that had been taken over her mind. There was a part of her that wanted to believe in the words that y/n spoke to her that night. But during school, and spending time with her bullies she was reminded that, that was her reality.

Her friends Taylor and Niall tried to talk to the girl. Take her out, and try to help her clear her mind of the celebrity but that was a challenge in and of its own. Everywhere they went Hailee saw the posters, heard the songs, and all Hailee could do was feel bad each and every time.

Now that y/n was nowhere to bee seen it was like things, for the moment were going back to normal. But it didn't feel normal. The desk that was now vacant next to her made her miss the presence each and every day.

"Seriously where is she?" Hailee muttered to herself once she realized y/n had once again not made it into school. "No, you made your choice. Stop thinking about her." She groaned, pulling out her backpack and setting it on her lap.

When she opened it up she remembered how y/n gave her the new backpack along with the school supplies. Hailee buried her head onto her backpack and closed her eyes.

"Not even once... have I used you or toyed with you. Look at me and listen to my words only."

Hailee replayed the words that y/n had spoken to her that night.

"I love you, Hailee"

More words that shook her body to the core. She placed her hands over her head, trying to shut them out. But it was useless. The words in her mind were louder and clearer then the noises all around her.

Class after class everything felt like it went by in a blur. Not remembering what she did, or what was going on around her anymore. All she kept thinking was if she made the right choice in walking away.

Hailee laughed to herself each and every time. Trying to figure out why that was the only thing on her mind. Before y/n even showed up hailee didn't really care for the girl. She was just a person who happened to be rich and famous. But now, now hailee didn't know anything anymore. The world she once knew, once found herself only existing had a new outlook and it made hailee weary.

The final bell rang, indicating the end of the school day. Still zoned out and in her own head space she almost didnt notice y/n sitting on the hood of her car. She smiled, picking up her pace. That smile quickly turned into anger as she got closer. Before she knew it she was standing inches from the older girls face. Before hailee had the chance to say anything, they heard a noise of what sounded like someone clearing their throat.

Y/n rolled her eyes already knowing the owner of their disruption. The same guy who she saw driving into the school as she was also pulling in.

"What the hell are you doing here Niall" Y/n said shaking her head.

"I could say the same thing about you" he said cheery, with a small hint of condescendence.

"I go to school here" Y/n crossed her arms over her chest turning her body slightly. "You dont even go here" she added.

"Im here to take hailee out to eat." The blond boy smiled.

Hailee didn't say anything, looking between the two who where both glaring daggers at one another. Niall turned to hailee taking out an apple.

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