Night of Tribulation (pt 1)

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Hailee let out a long sigh as she continued to focus on the 3 monitors in front of her. She was glad, y/n had let her use the home studio in order to get the editing for the bucket list project done. However clip after clip it was nothing but y/n messing around and acting childish, not really taking things serious. It made hailee smile at some scenes, laugh at others. And all she could think of was how much the camera loved her. Not a single frame had a bad side to y/n.

When the clips ended another played. Hailee sat up when it began to play, unable to hear the audio. She saw y/n talking and smiling, but there was no sound coming from anywhere. It was the same every clip she played that had y/n talking.

"Hailee, what are you doing? You're supposed to be getting ready for your big night." Taylor quietly spoke, cautiously entering the studio. She looked around entranced by the beautiful room she was seeing. It was spacious and had an amazing vibe that made one want to rock out and party.

"I know it's just... I wanted to get an early start on the editing for our bucket list documentary, but there is a lot of footage y/n recorded but there is no volume. I swear this girl should just keep making the camera work instead of working the camera" Hailee chuckled.

"Have you tried using other earphones or working on the sound system" Taylor asked, touching the sound board but not trying to move anything.

"I don't think it's an audio problem. But I am not an expert so" Hailee shrugged slumping into her seat.

"Well you can worry about that later, y/n picked out a perfect dress for you to wear. Now come on" Taylor took Hailee by the arm, pulling her onto her feet before dragging her away from the studio.


Y/n fixed the cufflinks of her suit jacket as her stylist fixed her collar while another touched up her make up. Even in the back corner, where she was waiting y/n could hear the screaming and cheering of both fans and photographers trying to get the attention of their favorite celebrities.

One by one, y/n watched her so call friends arrive. They all went up to the young girl hugging her tightly, telling her how excited they were to see her and so on it made y/n sick to her stomach. Rolling her eyes discreetly.

"What's Hailee's ETA?" y/n looked at her watch trying to figure out how long it takes her team to get her date to the event.

"Hopefully not on her way"

Y/n bit her lip trying to calm herself before turning around. When she did, of course her eyes widen when she saw her ex. Y/n wasn't going to lie and say she didn't find becky beautiful. Especially since she was wearing y/n's favorite color dress.

"Speechless I see. I was kinda hoping" becky smirked giving a small twirl. She walked towards the celeb wrapping her arms around y/n's neck and pulling her into a tight hug. Y/n didn't move.

"Becky, Y/n over here!" they heard a few people shouting and becky pulled away quickly moving to y/n's side. She smiled widely while y/n barley gave a small smile. Her hands stayed in her dress pants pocket, hoping everyone would just leave. Becky leaned in placing a kiss on y/n's cheek, smirking when she left a bit of her red lip stick on the corner of her lip.

"Don't do that again" Y/n said into Becky's ear. "You got your pictures, now go."

"Go? You and I haven't even walked the carpet yet" becky raised a brow, taking a step back. "We had a deal y/n."

"Yeah well I change my mind. I'm walking with hailee so if you excuse me" y/n shook her head moving away from the Latina. But when she went to walk away, Becky grabbed her arm.

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