Sick of This

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Church Bells rang loudly in the chapel, and the sun rays shined brightly through the stained glass windows casting a natural spot light on the couple standing by the alter. No one but the two were in the chapel, and dressed in their best wedding clothes: the young man wearing a simple black suit that was too big for his body, and the young lady dressed in a short white dress with laced sleeves held hands nervously.

"This man standing here next to me is to be my husband starting from this moment" the young lady spoke clearly, and her voice, albeit soft still echoed through the empty room. "Through happiness, sadness, difficulty, through age or..." the girl paused taking in a shaky breath, and breathing out trying to relax her body anyway she could. "Or sickness. Despite whatever unbearable obstacles that might come my way, I will never let go of the hand I am holding right now"

She turned to face the young man, reaching a gentle hand towards his face, caressing it slowly with her thumb.

The loud bang of the heavy wooden door opening scared the young couple, making them jump and step back until they were at the stage of the alter. The young lady pulled her soon to be husband behind her as one by one a group of people entered.

With weapons in hand, they were determined to cause havoc on the ceremony taking place.

"Hey! If it isn't Aj the traitor! Hey! How could you think of running off to get hitch with a lower class scum." One member of the group, a tall man with slick jet black hair and a deep voice shouted in both enthusiasm and anger. "You are the heir to your mafia family. You are to be married to our boss"

"I'm not marrying into a mafia family who has no morals or empathy towards others. I'm marrying Anthony. He's the one I love." Aj narrowed her eyes taking a step forward.

She felt the hand of her lover tremble in fear, and Aj let out a breath she didn't know she was holding, turning to him hoping he would see the reassurance in her eyes. But his eyes were locked onto the wooden floor.

"What the heck is she saying?" The leader of the group scoffed. "What kind of nonsense is she spouting? Hey! Aj, let's go home quickly. Kill Him!" He pointed at the young man shaking and hiding behind his fiancé. "And take Aj. Knock her out if you have to. But don't kill her, GOT IT!"

The group ran towards them and Aj did as well.

Outside, white dress and converse now stained in red, cuts and bruises on her face, Aj stood still. Her breath was coming quickly in pants, looking down at the many bodies now laying on the cold hard ground. She felt her body ache and the blood slide down the side of her face and in her mouth.

She was happy to defeat the mafia group, happy she could finally live peacefully with the love of her life.

Or so she thought.

She heard it. The all to familiar sound of a gun clicking. She lifted her head to see the love of her life standing in front of the leader of the group.

She was close.

If her feet just moved.

If they took one step, and then another.


Aj took a step back, looking at the left side of her abdomen. Blood now emanated.

She made it. She got in front of the gun. She got in front of her lover. She saved him.

But Aj didn't fall down. A tear escaped her eye, sliding down her cheek. She touched her side and then looked at her hand. Red, warm. Her hand was now wet with her blood. Aj took a breath and walked forward towards the leader. Again he shot at Aj, but she didn't fall. He shot his gun again, and again but Aj refused to fall. In fact she wasn't in any pain or anything. Her facial expression now annoyed.

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