Space Ships and Dinosaurs

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Driving for several minutes hailee was looking around trying to see if anything stood out to her. Looking at the street signs, pointing out familiar buildings. But nothing.

She was really trying to guess where they would go next. After what happened at the Getty, hailee was now more anxious about y/n's next plan but at the same time she was excited. She knew y/n was someone who liked to go big on surprises, especially to her. Buying her expensive gifts and doing things just for her.

She always wonder however, what it would be like if they went on a real date.

A year and a couple months was the amount of time the girls had dated back then. A year and a couple months, y/n and hailee would stay at home or playing in the playground by her house doing nothing. Never went out to eat at a fancy restaurant, never went to the movies, or anything that classified as a date. But hailee couldn't complain.

Back then, y/n really did do everything to make hailee happy to be with her. They didn't go to the cinema, but y/n would decorate her back yard, and put up a projector and other stuff to have a movie night. They didn't go out to eat, but when they would want to have a nice dinner, y/n would cook something amazing, new for both girls to try, and then dress up for the occasion even if the dinner was at her house. And the many other things y/n did to try and prove to hailee that even if they couldn't been seen out in public, they could still have a good time with each other.

And hailee loved every second of it.

As a 14 year old girl, she understood the position y/n was in. And being in love one would do almost anything. But as much as hailee loved all the home style dates, she wished to be out with her girlfriend.

And today she got that wish. So far this was starting out to be the perfect date and she wished it never end.

"I'm start guessing" hailee said, turning away from the window. She looked at y/n, still focused on the road ahead of her.

"You want to spoil your surprise now?" y/n laughed, shaking her head. Hailee was impatient something that didn't change.

"I dunno... is it... a dinosaur?" Hailee asked.

"Stop trying to guess. I'm not telling you"

"Alright... Is it... An Elephant?"


"Is it a convertible?"

"You're not gonna guess" y/n sighed.

"Is it a puppy? Is it a lotta kittens?"

"You mean a litter?" y/n raised a brow, takin her eyes off the road for just a second so hailee could see the raised brow y/n was giving.

"Whats a litter?"

"A bunch of kittens"

"Okay is it... my 6th grade history teacher wanting to apologize for being a massive asshole?"


"I would ditch a lot of School. Got a lot of detention. Remember, thats one of the reasons id always be late to your house."


"Is it a new pair of sneakers"

"How many pairs do you have already" y/n playfully rolled her eyes.

"Not enough. Okay fuck it i'm done guessing"

"Good, cause we are here" Y/n smiled slowing down the car as the roof of her Lamborghini began to slide down. Hailee stuck her hand up, feeling the cold wind trying to push her hand back, her hair gracefully waving back as her eyes opened wide at the sight of giant dinosaurs scattered around and beautiful neon lights. Hailee could of swore she was in the Jurassic Park world, studying dinosaurs and getting up close and personal.

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