Told Me You Knew Me?

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Hailee and Elijah drove around the city quietly hearing the rain harshly hit the car. The windshield wipers did their job in keeping the glass clear, but there were still moments when the blur of the water made Elijah unable to see for a short few seconds.

"The storm is getting heavier" Elijah finally spoke. He got a glimpse of a street sign and let out a soft breath. They were only 30 mins away from y/n's home, but right down the street from his place. He knew he should take Hailee to y/n's, but the stormy weather made it almost impossible. Even the streets where beginning to over flood. Not good driving conditions for a Lamborghini. "I think it's best if we stop by my house" he said turning the corner.

Before Hailee had the time to protest a loud clap of thunder roared through the sky. Hailee jumped in her seat at the horrible sound, covering her ears. One thing hailee hated more than anything was thunderstorms. She hated how it made her feel.

"It will be just until the storm clears up" Elijah reassures her. Hailee only nodded, turning back towards the window.

She liked the comfortable silence but she wanted to drown out the sounds of thunder, so she turned up the radio. She raised a brow when she heard one of y/n's songs. She bit her lip debating on changing the station but after a moment of thinking she decided to let it play.

"You know this one is my favorite songs from any of her albums" Elijah said turning it up a little louder. He began to sing and do a little bit of dance moves that y/n showed him in his seat.

Hailee little out a chuckle, shaking her head. Leaving it to y/n's dad to make the mood a little brighter. She thought. Elijah tried to get hailee to dance, and after a few attempts she was able to move around, a smile spreading wide.

I can feel it in the air that it's on tonight
I don't really care if it's wrong or right
Petal to the metal baby hold me tight
Anything you want I can get that girl
If you're with that girl

Hailee looked at Elijah with raised brow.

"Come on Haiz this is the best part"

Everybody knows that I want ya
If you want me, baby show me
Roll the windows down let your hair flow
Let it all go tonight

Party people

Woo hoo

Both began to sing, and dance, enjoying the moment.

"Which one is yours" Elijah asked. "Favorite song I mean"

"I don't have one" hailee answered after taking a second to think. She settled down, turning down the volume of the song that followed after.

"Yeah all her songs are good" he said, double checking for any passing cars before turning onto his street.

"No, I mean... I dont have one because I dont really listen to her music" hailee said honestly.

"Really" Elijah turned towards hailee in shock. "What about her movies. You had to have seen those at least, or tv shows."

"Besides the ones we watched when we were together, I haven't seen any of her new stuff. Not even her tv show that just finished" she sighed. "When the accident happened, I felt like I couldn't do anything that involved her. I couldn't listen to her music, singing about someone else, or dance when she would make happy songs. And I couldn't see her act in films because I didn't want to see her and feel like I could of killed her." Hailee chuckled but there was no humor in her words. She bit the tip her thumb just a tad bit. "Sometimes I wish I was the one who could forget. Maybe then my life would of been easier. Maybe then... Caroline wouldn't have destroyed my life for almost costing y/n's career while she was in her prime"

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