Night of Tribulation (Pt 2)

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"18 awards baby, how the hell did you win 18 awards" Hailee grew more excited as she spoke. "And all those song, they were dedicated to me?"

"I don't know I just did it" Y/n laughed, holding Hailee's hand, swinging it it happily as they made their way through the crowd. "I'll have my assistant drop these trophies off at the house. Have you decided which after party you wanted to go to?"

Hailee stopped walking, thinking about the many options she had to choose from. During the event, celebrity after celebrity kept coming up to the two girls inviting them over to their house/ venue for a killer party. Hailee tried not to fan girl, keep her cool; how could she when Selena Gomez was literally right next to her, touching her arm.

"Selena Gomez invited us to her party, I wanna go there"

"Im losing you to Gomez aren't I?" Y/n playfully rolled her eyes.

"Please baby" Hailee pouted, kissing y/n's lips until she gave in. It took a lot of kisses, but that was only because y/n didn't want Hailee to stop.

"Fine, but you have to keep kissing me like that in front of Gomez"


"She was literally eyeing you the whole event, trust me I know, I was there. I want her to know you are mine." Y/n raised a brow loving the cute little puppy face her love was making.

"Fine you win"

"Of course I do. I have 18 trophies to prove it"

"And cocky, I see that hasn't changed"

"Yeah, yeah. I told Manny to pick us up some clothes for the after party. We can get dressed in the limo"

Y/n shook her head, seeing the many cars that had parked outside the venue. She knew the party was going to be packed, and wanted to take an uber or something, but in reality she didn't trust anyone. Besides it wasn't like she was going to drink or anything. Even if she was just 18 years old, drugs and alcohol were basically shoved in her face since she could remember. She never did any of that stuff, and wanted to keep clean.

The music was so loud, it banged into y/n's chest as she was still in the car, and the many people that were outside the venue were still able to jam out to it.

It was just a party, y/n thought to herself. Wanting to get the after party over and done with and just go home. Go home, and take Hailee somewhere far away. She still had her tv episode to shoot, and wanted Hailee to explore a bit. If she liked it, they would stay there, or she could choose another place.

Either way, it just made the girl want to drive home and forget the party. But of course, Hailee wasn't going to give in that easily. Y/n turned, watching as Hailee made her way out of the car. Y/n groaned but finally got out, locking the car and putting the keys in her pocket.

She took Hailee's hand and walked her into the venue where two guards where blocking the entrance. Y/n didn't have to say anything as one of the guards stepped to the side giving the 2 girls the all clear. Perks of being a well known celebrity. Y/n would never complain about that.

Y/n stopped, placing a hand on the wall beside her, while the other let go of hailee's hand and held her head. She shut her eyes feeling the dizziness all around her.

Her phone rang, and she tried to pull it out, only to drop it on the ground. She looked at it for a moment, going to pick it up, yet she couldn't. She tried once more but it was like her fingers didn't want to cling onto the device. Her finger tips started to feel numb. Hailee reached for it, putting the phone into her bag.

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