2- And I Can't Let Her Go.

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3rd Person Pov

The tour was coming to an end and Amy had put on weight significantly along with her stomach being at its maximum swell.

It got to the point people noticed and were quick to shame her for slacking on her weight, Lzzy was even quicker to shut them up majority of the time.

But this time was different than others..


Lzzy returned back to the booth, setting a hot chocolate and muffin in front of Amy.

Amy looked down at the food, her eyes sparkling before she quickly took a bite, humming in response, Lz chuckled at the sight, "God...it always surprises me when you somehow get cuter..." She sips her coffee softly.
A light blush embarassed blush made it's way onto Amy's face and she tucked her hands in her lap, "Thank you for...everything, Elizabeth..." Amy whispered softly, smiling at the new privilege to call her so.
Lzzy gazed at her blue eyes silently and nodded, a shadow interrupting her GAYze.

"Ma'am..there's a price for breaking anything y'know?"

Lzzy's head lifted to look at a waitress, "Uhm...duh..?" The tall woman scoffed, until she noticed the staredown between the two women, "Also a weight limit." The teen huffs, looking Amy up and down.
Amy's face had immediately turned pink and she looked away silently, her lip quivering silently, "Porky gonna cry?" She scoffed, a few tears began to cascade down, and Lzzy immediately jumped onto the waitress, grabbing her uniform shirt, and slamming her to the ground, "You prissy little bitch!" Lz snapped and socked her across the face, Amy got up quickly and grabbed her shoulders, "Lzzy! Stop...!" Amy pulled the girl off of the culprit and cupped her cheeks.

Elizabeth's face of pure fury softened, and she grabbed Amy's hand throwing a 20 onto the table and pulling her out of the Cafe, "My hot chocolate...!" She whined.

"I'll get you some on the way to the hotel..."


Amy stared at the bus steps before her.

She had the urge to call for Lzzy or Tim to help her but she felt like a burden.

Soon Lzzy appeared and tilted her head, "Hey? Need to get up there...?" She walked over grabbing Amy's waist gently, "N-No..! You don't have to help..." Amy whispered, an embarrassed blush across her face.

The taller woman furrowed her brow, "I know..but I want to..." Elizabeth scoffed and lifted Amy up onto the first step, helping her up, "Heyyy!" They both heard, Joe appeared with his camera swinging around his neck.
"Can I get a photo of you two together?" He asked softly, Amy looked down and back up at Lzzy, "Only if I get a print." Lz smirked, grabbing Amy's hand, and leading her to the couch.

They sat down and Amy leaned into Lzzy, their fingers interlocking as she sighed tiredly, "You're almost there, Ames..." Lzzy pressed a soft kiss to her friend's forehead and the smaller woman snuggled into Elizabeth.
A quick silent snap of Joe's camera and a photo of a content, pregnant Amy curled into a tired but happy Lzzy's chest flicked onto the screen, Joe smiled wide at the photo and tilted the camera to Arejay who which grinned wide at the sight...

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