2- I'll Treat You Better

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Warnings:Attempted Rape

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Attempted Rape.


Amy's Pov

I shifted in the sleeping bag, pulling Jack's closer.

I shivered slightly as a breeze passed through the bushes making goose bumps rise on my skin.

I heard a small snap and a small rustle but decided to ignore it, thinking it was a bird in the trees. I shifted again rolling over but was suddenly stopped by a hand slapping over my mouth and an arm strapping itself around my torso, pulling me out my sleeping bag.
I flailed, and kicked at the air, kicking someone in the stomach making them grunt, "Mom-...?" I saw Jack sit up and a pistol immediately shoved to his temple, "Don't try anything kid." A man with a mask mumbled.

I felt the figure behind me grab my wrists with one hand, "Get her pants off." They demanded behind me, the man with a gun immediately started tugging at my jeans, pulling them off, I tried to bend my knees to stop him but it didn't work, I whimpered loudly as tears filled my eyes, I felt a sharp slap on my cheek and blood immediately start oozing from a gash a ring on his hand created.
"Keep fighting and we'll blast the kids head."

"Hurry up."

"I am, sheesh." The guy huffed, before finally getting my body half-bare, I felt the tears fall as I started shaking. The man behind me flipped me onto my back and tied a bandana around my mouth, I closed my eyes tight, shaking my head, "...plea-se s-omeon-..." I felt a heavy blow meet the other side of my head, "Shut up...!" The criminal snapped at me, I cry softly as I watch him unbutton his pants, my body started trembling even worse as my anxiety spiked my breathing becoming paced.
He started pulling my underwear down, while cutting my body down, making bruises and gashes I cried out in pain and felt him grab my thighs.

I watched Jack's hand sock him in the jaw then 2 gunshots rang through the air and both men fell letting out a loud cry, "You disgusting fuckers!" I heard the familiar voice behind me, I hugged Jack tightly, feeling a solid object between us, I looked down to see a white device with a button on it, "She gave me it when you gave me to her so you could use the bathroom...she told me to push it just in case something happens..." He whispered, tears streaming down his face, I saw a flash and looked over to so the men's masks down and Y/N holding her phone.

She ran over wrapping her arms around me, "Oh honey-...oh my god, come on..." She whispered, red and blue lights beginning to come into view, Jack got out my lap and she wrapped me in a towel. I felt Y/N's arms scoop underneath me and she picked me up bridal style, I sobbed softly as she ran to her car, laying me in the back seat, "Stay here..." She whispered, the blood off my body soaking through the towel, "Mama? Ma-Mama you okay?" Jack got in the car quickly, a small wet towel in his hand, he put it on the gash on my cheek, "N-No are you okay, bab-..."

"Mom. I'm fine." He gave me a serious look, I stayed silent, "But you're not, we need to take you to the hospital..." He whispered as Y/N got in the vehicle.

I closed my eyes, sighing in relief.


I watched as the doctor entered the room.

"So, luckily nothing was fractured nor broken. She does need to treat the cuts and bruises for a few days, some are highly dangerous, especially if they get infected from no care. From what I see, Ms.Lee has struggled with anxiety and severe depression in the past, this might bring multiple things into the mix." He explains.

"Like what?" Y/N asks, holding a sleeping Jack close to her chest, "This could bring a whole new severity to the anxiety and possibly the depression to the plate, along with PTSD, high levels of insecurities and self-destructive behaviors, low self-esteem and self-consciousness. Now, Miss Lee do you have anyone we could put as your emergency contact."

"The boys and Jen live halfway across the continent so no..." I answer, "The boys?" Y/N questions, "I-I'm a singer...the lead singer of Evanescence...the boys are Troy, Tim, and Will...then Jen's my back vocalist who would definitely take the time to come grab me, but she'd have to fly in from Germany, I don't wanna burden her with that..." I explain, she nods, "Put me down as it..." Y/N informs the doctor of her number and walks over to me with a paper, "Here's the bill-..."

"I'm paying for it." Y/N quickly answers, I look at her quickly and shake my head, "Hush. I'm taking care of you guys until you can get back on your feet then I'll help you get a job and you can stay until you're ready." She demands, I stay silent a memory flickering through my head, she quickly drops the demeanor and her face softens, "Sorry...just...you're coming home with me...I'm not letting you go this time." Y/N whispers, I nod gently.

She signed the paper and smiled softly at me as she walked over and grabbed my hand gently.

I looked at her trying to process the affection as we made eye contact...

"I'll take care of you..."

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