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Jisoo's POV

I woke up with my waist hurting, I groaned. I heard someone suddenly moving closer to me.

"Hey kid you're finally awake" My father chuckled.

I opened my eyes and saw my father looking down at me. I blinked my eyes to get rid of the blurriness. "How long was I out father?" I asked with my scratchy voice.

"Only a couple of hours, your wound is deep but healing quite well" He smiled.

I nodded "That's good, how long before I can move properly again?" I tried moving my body.

"So impatient" He laughed "You'll be back in a couple of days, in the meantime just do simple things for you not to worsen the wound, agreed?"

"Agreed, I wasn't even planning on doing anything, my body is already getting tired just from thinking," I said and my father chuckled.

"That's good, You'll heal faster that way, just in time for you to meet the King," he said.

I almost forgot about that. I already agreed to father about the job. He convinced me that it would be a really great opportunity for me since he also started as a guard of the King when I was his age and now he's the commander and the King trusts him wholeheartedly and their bond is unlike any other.

"Everything is going to be different once I start living in the castle," I thought aloud.

Father squeezed my shoulder gently "I'm so proud of you for doing this Sooyaa, Everything will change but for the better, and I still get to see you because my work is sometimes in the castle" He smiled.

I smiled at him then he left and told me to rest while he handles some stuff for the King.

I sighed thinking if I was really ready for a big change, then I went back to sleep.


A couple of days passed and I feel like my body is back to normal other than little pains when I moved a certain way but other than that I'm good.

"Sooyaa, you should start getting ready. You'll be meeting the King in a couple of hours" My father called from his room.

"Alright, father" I replied and started arranging the clothes that I was going to wear which were delivered from the castle.

It looked a lot different from my Knight armor. It has more leather than metal, It has no chest plate but it has a shoulder plate and forearm bracer, plates on the calves including metal-toed leather boots, and a brown leather belt to attach my sword, no helmet this time. I actually loved it.

After bathing I started to wear the clothes and looked at myself in the mirror. I don't look bad, I was impressed with how it perfectly fitted me, My hair was braided with some stubborn hair on my face. I smiled.

"Let's go, Sooyaa!" My father called.

Here we go.

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