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Jisoo POV

I watched as the door closed behind Kai.

"You are still my knights. Stand down!" King Jiyong ordered while being held by the knights but they acted as if he didn't say anything.

I guess it's either they're now more loyal to Prince Kai or they're just scared of how Kai will punish them if they didn't follow.

Either way, we're screwed.

When everyone in the room realized this, Lady Westbrook and the Queen started crying hysterically.

A knight walked in front of me with a sword "Let's get this over with. Hold her tighter" the knight said behind his helmet.

I tried to get away but the knights were relentless. The knight pulled back his sword aiming for my head.

I was breathing faster now. This could not be the end. Jennie is waiting for me.

I kicked the knight behind me and heard him groan but still didn't budge, I'm sure their hold on me would leave nasty bruises from the tightness.

I looked around and saw the others being held as well and looking terrified.

"Let me go!" I heard Chaeyoung yell as she tried to get away but they were tenacious.

I looked back in front of me and watched as the knight pull back his sword ready to decapitate me.

I closed my eyes. I'm sorry Jennie. Those words were reverberating in my head with hopelessness while waiting for everything to be over.

Then I heard the sword hit the floor with a clang. I opened my eyes and saw the knight had an arrow buried in his back and lying on the floor.

Then we heard another knight fall to the ground with a clang from his armor. I looked behind the fallen knight with confusion and saw a knight behind him pointing his crossbow.

Then suddenly it's chaos. The other knights ran towards the knight who helped us and started fighting.

I took this distraction to get rid of the knights who were holding me.

I kicked the knee of the same knight I kicked before and saw him fall to the ground holding his busted knee then I kicked the other one in the chest then pulled his sword from his scabbard and buried it in the gap of his armor from his side.

I turned slightly to my right and saw someone tackle the knight that was holding the King.

So we have two knights on our side, but I'm not sure. The confusion makes me doubt who's the enemy and who's on our side because they were all wearing the same armor.

I looked at the knight with the crossbow walking towards me. I pulled out my sword just in case.

The knight removed his helmet.

I gasped "Lisa?" I said shocked.

She smiled at me "Did you really think we'd miss the party?" She said and I looked behind her to see a knight removing his helmet revealing Jungkook who only winked at me before tackling another knight.

I threw my hands around her for a hug "You have no idea how happy I am to see you guys" I said while hugging her.

She pushed me back "No hugging. A thank you is fine" but I hugged her tighter and she shook her head.

I moved back and looked around and saw there were a couple of knights left.

The King already got his hands on a sword and was fighting, same as Hanbin and his father but they were having more trouble in fighting the knights than the King.

Lady Westbrook and the Queen were hiding in the corner crying.

I saw Chaeyoung pick up a crossbow walked closer to us "What's the plan?" She asked.

I raised my eyebrows "You're fighting?" I asked.

She flipped her hair "Of course I am" she said as she inserted an arrow on the crossbow.

Lisa narrowed her eyes "Are you sure?"

Chaeyoung looked at her exasperated "Yes! Now let's go, we're losing time" she said then she turned and shot a knight in the abdomen who fell to the ground.

She smiled at us smug. I guess she really can fight.

I looked at Lisa and she only shrugged.

"Let's go then," I said. We split and I immediately ran to the first knight who tried to attack me.

I kicked his thigh and saw him fall to one knee this I held his head without a helmet and buried my knee in his face and watched as he was knocked out.

I saw the knights fall one by one until there was none left.

I looked around and immediately went
straight to my father and knelt on the ground beside him.

"Father?" I asked, hoping that he's still alive.

I looked at his pale face and sweat-covered hair and felt like breaking down.

He only groaned. I clenched my jaw. I was right here with him and I was still helpless. Why does this keep happening?

I felt a touch on my shoulder. I looked up and saw the King.

"I'll bring him into the infirmary and hope we can still save him. He's already losing a lot of blood" he said.

I nodded and kissed my father's head "Please be okay. I really need you to be okay" I whispered to him.

I stood up and watched the King try to pull him up with the help of Hanbin.

"Thank you," I said gratefully because I knew I wouldn't be able to carry him.

The King looked at me with desperation "Please save my baby girl. I wouldn't know what to do if I lost her. Especially when this is all my fault. I'm sorry" he said with his eyes shining from unshed tears.

I nodded trying to forget my anger towards him for allowing this all to happen. I just hope I'm not too late.

I rushed towards Lisa with Jungkook at her side and Chaeyoung following behind.

Jungkook opened the large door and we ran across the hallway heading for Kai's chambers.

I turned to Lisa "Surely there will be guards with him inside or guarding his door from the outside" I said.

Lisa nodded "He never goes anywhere without his guards. I can take Chaeyoung with me and take care of them, while you and Jungkook proceed inside" she suggested.

I looked at Chaeyoung and Jungkook and saw them nod in approval. I turned back to Lisa "Okay" I said before stopping and watched as they all stopped with me.

I looked at Lisa seriously "After you take care of the guards (because I'm positive you can take them) I want you to head outside and search for Soojin. She's leading all the women alone, she needs all the help she could get" I said pleading.

Lisa's eyes widened slightly "You also need all the help you can get. We can get rid of the knights outside but we have no idea what's waiting inside that room. You and Jungkook might not be enough," she said.

I clenched my jaw in frustration with everything that's happening. I looked back at Lisa then glanced at Chaeyoung and Jungkook "We have no choice. Either way, there can't be more guards with Kai than what the women outside are dealing with. We just have to fight with all we've got" I said.

They all nodded, understanding that the risk is greater than we could've imagined.

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