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Jennie POV

I watched as Jisoo ran with her friend to go to the clinic. I hope everything's okay. All of them already have been through enough.

It made me think about the time that passed. A lot has happened here when Jisoo left and a lot of it I'm not happy about.
Everything in my life changed for the worst.

My relationship with my father went downhill after the marriage. It's sad because we used to be so close, but he would rather prioritize his relations with the Longfords than his own daughter.

I would give anything to be where we were before. Before the Savages attacked us and before the Longfords came in the picture.

I sighed sadly and walked back to my room. I opened the door and headed to my bed. I lay in the soft mattress staring at the ceiling and couldn't stop myself from thinking what would happen now that Jisoo's back.

The relief I felt knowing she was alive was overwhelming. I just wanted to hold her when I saw her standing on the stage looking like she had conquered the world. I wanted to ask her so many questions even if it's just about her hair. I wanted her to tell me all about what they've been through and soothe her when she gets to the horrible part.

But I remembered where I stood, and being the wife of Prince Kai gave me a lot of restrictions and a lot of his people are watching my every move.

The only thing I could do was watch that beautiful warrior look heartbroken after moments of arriving home.

Thinking about that made my eyes water.

I know that everything won't go back to the way it was and everything is suddenly much more complicated than before, but I'm still hoping that it would get better. I really hope it does.

I rolled to my side and faced the window looking at the stars.

The only thing I'm happy about is I don't get to see Prince Kai as much as I should be. He's always busy and spends most of his time in their Kingdom.

He's a different story. His whole personality changed when he found out that I was trying to run away when they won't give me any news about Jisoo and my Kingdom.

I guess his good heart had an expiration date because now he's just rotten. Time really does show someone's true colors.

That was my last thought before sleep took over.

I was awoken by the sunlight hitting my face through the window. I'm so tired I didn't even feel like I slept.

I stood up and took a hot bath, got ready, and went down to the kitchen to have breakfast.

The first person I saw was my father and that didn't put me in a good mood but the person beside him ruined my morning even more.

"Good morning my Princess" Kai said giving me a fake smile. I guess his morning is as bad as mine.

"What are you doing here Prince Kai?" I asked before sitting on the dining chair in front of him while my father sits at the end of the table.

Kai chuckled "Is that a proper question to ask your husband? I'm here because I miss you" He said. I don't believe him.

I just nodded "Then I hope you have a good stay here" I replied. What else would I say?

I saw his jaw clench from my response.

My father didn't give us any attention, maybe because he knew I wouldn't give him any of mine.

We ate in silence after that but I could still feel Kai's anger radiating.

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