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Jisoo POV

Today most of us knights will meet a royal family from a different kingdom. We're all stood outside of the castle waiting. They are visiting to start an alliance for the impending war.

We don't really know much, it is all kept in private that all of us are unaware of what's happening. Even Jennie is not brought into their meetings anymore.

My father left the other day, I sneaked out of the castle to say goodbye to him. He was so happy he saw me. I really hope he comes back before the war starts or maybe he's safer outside if we get attacked.

The day of my fight is getting closer and closer which I'm not excited about anymore. I'm thinking that this might be my last fight especially when I got seriously injured in my last fight.

A knew a lot will change when I start to live in the castle but I didn't think it would be this much. I craved being in the arena before but now I'm not even looking forward to it as I used to. It became irrelevant, now that I saw bigger things in front of me.

I started to train kids in my free time. Showing them the basics of fighting and I actually enjoyed it. Being a personal protector of the princess opened a lot of opportunities for me, my father and the king even talked about my father giving me his old position when he's too old to be a commander or when he wants to retire, which is huge. They said I will just go through more training and education for the job.

I'm only twenty-three and they're already considering me to lead knights, I feel like nothing can go wrong anymore. I'm the happiest person right now.

Trumpets sounded that interrupted my thinking. Horses and carriages went in the gates, they had yellow ribbons and yellow flags with a bear as a symbol.

Everyone knows that symbol is carried by one of the most powerful kingdoms alongside ours. That's the Longford kingdom.

They are very well known but not for their military but their resources. I guess it's the perfect match because we have the strongest military.

The Longford royals came out of their carriages and we bowed to welcome them. Their king has a really big belly, long dark beard, and a crown on top of his head, he is accompanied by his son the prince, he is a handsome young man and has a proud smile on his face since he came out of the carriage, I guess rich kids are mostly the same, I see a little bit of Hanbin in him.

I heard the Queen died years ago from an unknown illness and it's been the King and the Prince since then.

Our King and Queen with Jennie walked towards the royals to welcome them. Jennie was looking beautiful as always. Instead of ignoring me like she always did after our long talk, this time she looked at me, It was like she was telling me something with her eyes, but I couldn't figure it out. I looked at her confused.

"It has been a while Jiyong," The Longford king said, accepting the handshake of our king.

"It has, looking good Walter" King Jiyong said and turned to his family to introduce them "This is my lovely wife Chaerin and my wonderful daughter Jennie"

King Walter kissed the hand of the two women "It's nice to finally meet the both of you" He then wrapped his arm around his son's shoulders and introduced him "This is Kai, my son"

Bryce came forward and like his father, he kissed the hand of the two women and shook the king's hand "It's a pleasure to meet all of you"

After the introduction, they headed for the castle and we followed behind. They settle in the meeting room to talk.

"So this alliance that we talked about. After the war I want the marriage to be done immediately" King Walter said and his son smirked at the princess.

"Yes, It will be done, my daughter and I have talked about it," King Jiyong said.

What?! I was shocked. Jennie said yes? She agreed to the marriage proposal? How long have they been talking about this? I have so many questions in my head.

I looked at Jennie shocked, she glanced at me then looked down.

I could feel my heart breaking by the second. It's official, She's getting married.

She gave up. She agreed. This alliance will still move forward even without the marriage because both kingdoms need each other to go through this war. Why would she do it?

I looked down, somehow disappointed in Jennie. Why would she give them control, more control than they already have? But I need to be open-minded, I don't really know anything that happened, maybe she had no choice but to agree.

I can feel Jennie looking at me begging me to look back at her but I don't have the strength to.

I can't stay here. Watching him with her will break me.

I can't believe she stole my heart in such a short time. I only knew her for a couple of months and now I'm sure that I'm hopelessly in love with her and in that short time she didn't just steal my heart, she also broke it.

I thought about what the two of us did that made me fall in love with her. Our moments started flashing in my mind. I saw her laughing at my stupid jokes, Rolling her eyes at me when I flirted with her, Watching her get along with the kids in the village when we visited, her having her moody days that she just gets irritated about everything, her walking with her perfect posture towards me with that little smile that she has that she reserved only for me.

How can I not fall for that?

This is not just me torturing myself in remembering the things about her, this is also me trying to say goodbye to them.

"Okay then that's settled, my son and I will stay here this week so we can discuss the war and it will also give time for Kai and Princess Jennie to get to know each other before the marriage," King Walter said.

I'm so proud of myself for maintaining my unconcerned expression throughout the royal's talk.

They all stood up and started to leave, I still avoided the princess' gaze.

I followed behind them and went straight to my room. I took a shower and changed into my casual clothes with black pants and gray long sleeves and over it is my black jacket. I was allowed to leave today so I'm not going to waste it in staying in my room all day.

When I finished getting ready I walked towards my door and when I opened it I saw the princess was about to knock. I looked at her confused, hating myself for letting her make my heart do stupid jumps.

"Your highness, what can I help you with?" I asked professionally.

She frowned when she noticed I wasn't as friendly as before "I wanted to talk to you, but it looks like you're going out" She said sadly.

I backed away so she can come into my room then I closed the door "Yes, I was going to the village to get more books, I ran out of books to read" I said.

She nodded and sighed "I was hoping I could talk to you, would it be alright if I came with you to the village?" She asked biting her lip slightly waiting for my answer.

"I suppose it would be alright but will the king allow it?" I said while she sat on my bed like she always did before.

I sighed. So much for staying away.

She looked up to my eyes "He will when he knows I'm with you" She said smiling slightly.

I didn't know the King trusts me so much.

"That's settled then, let's go," I said while opening the door for her and we headed out.


What do you think will happen to Jensoo now?! 🤔

{Don't forget to show your love and support to Snowdrop drama}

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