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Jisoo POV

I woke up from the sun shining on my face. I slowly opened my eyes to adjust to the light.

I looked beside me and saw that the space
Jennie should have been was empty.

I sat up and looked around and saw that Jennie's clothes were also gone. The clothes that I wore that I recklessly discarded last night were neatly folded at the end of the bed.

It's like last night didn't happen. If I didn't feel sore I'd think that everything that happened last night was all a dream.

What did I expect? Jennie can't stay the night. People would talk when they find out she's absent from her chambers in the morning.

I stretched and groggily stood up and headed for a bath. After that, I brushed my teeth and while brushing I saw my reflection and saw a bruise on my neck.

"That little-" I shook my head with a smile. She marked me.

I continued getting ready and tried to cover the bruise with my hair as best as I could.

When I was done, I walked out of my room and headed for the forest to see what the other girls were doing and check how far they are on their training.

I still have a little time before the King calls for me for a meeting.

I turned in the hallway and suddenly stopped when I was faced with the King and Princess Jennie.

"Your Highness" I bowed and looked up
through my lashes and saw Jennie hiding a 
small smile while looking at me.

"Jisoo" the King greeted me "I'm expecting you later this afternoon" he reminded.

I nodded "Yes your Highness, I'll be there" I replied.

The King nodded before walking past me and I felt Jennie's feminine hand lightly brush mine.

I looked back at her and saw her wink at me before walking beside her father.

I shook my head and tried to ignore the tingles that ran through my body. That girl.

I walked out of the castle and felt the heat of the morning sun against my skin. I continued walking until I was in the forest, I could hear my boots crunch a couple of dried leaves.

I continued entering the forest until I finally heard women training. I saw Soojin first "Soojin!" I called.

She looked behind her and saw me. She walked towards me with her hands in her pockets "Any news? Are they still going to throw you in the dungeon?" She asked with a neutral face. I swear this girl has no emotions.

I grabbed her elbow and pulled her into a quiet area making sure no one can hear me "We'll talk about it later this afternoon, but for now I need a favor" I told Soojin.

Her right eyebrow rose in question "What is it?" She asked.

I checked the surrounding before looking back at her "I need you to go through with the plan with or without me. I know there's still time but after the meeting later, I don't know if I'll get to speak to you again" I said quietly.

Soojin is one of the only few people I can trust right now.

Since V, Jungkook and Lisa are knights, they are basically owned by the Longfords now.

I know they will help me if they could since they are also boiling with anger from the information that we found out about the Longfords but Jungkook and Lisa are already staying at the other Kingdom with the request of Prince Kai, and V is still recovering.

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