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Jennie POV

I couldn't describe what I was feeling when I saw Jisoo when her helmet flew off.

I was shocked and suddenly the pieces just came together. The clinic with Seung-hyun, the wound on her side, the bruises. It all made sense, I'm so stupid.

"How could anyone not have known?!" My father yelled at the people in charge of these events. The two men looked like they were going to pass out from fear.

We're now in my father's office talking about the events earlier.

"I'm sorry your highness, the only thing we focused on is the ability to fight. We never really get personal information from fighters because at the time it sounds like it wasn't important" The man said while sweating like crazy.

My father threw a cup and it shattered on the floor. "You put that girl in danger! You threw her to the wolves!" He yelled.

Everyone was shocked by what he said. Everyone thought he was mad at Jisoo for practically deceiving everyone. Even I was mad at Jisoo.

"Y-your highness?" The other man stuttered.

"Seung-hyun is going to be mad if he finds out his daughter was the one conquering the arena. And she's hurt" My father mumbled.

I looked at him like he was crazy. It's like he's scared of Seung-hyun. He's the King for crying out loud.

I stood up "Umm father?"

He turned his attention to me "Let's go pay The Knight of Roses a visit" He said while he took my mother's hand and led us out the castle.

While we were walking I asked my father "Are you alright father?"

"Yes darling, I'm fine" He smiled at me forcefully.

We walked down the dark hallways toward the dungeon.

Jisoo POV

I can feel the sweat dripping from the sides of my face while I shakily stitch the wound on my arm.

"You should've used the pink thread, It suits you" The guard snorted.

I clenched my teeth. He's been making side comments like that since he gave me the sewing kit and I'm almost done with sewing. Childish asshole.

He sighed "Will you stop being a little bitch and finish that already? I can't have my break until you're done"

"Will you shut the fuck up so I can concentrate" I grumbled then I cut the thread and admired my finished product.

"Is this how knights speak these days, so much foul words" A deep voice said.

I looked up and saw the King with his family standing in the hallway.

The guard clumsily stood up from panic and bowed while his chair fell sidewards to the ground and made a loud metal clang.

I stood up with him and bowed.

"I'm so sorry for my choice of words your
highness" The guard shakily said.

"It's fine, get out of here and have your break," The king said "I'll take it from here," He said while looking at me.

I gulped while watching his every move. He picked up the chair and gave it to his wife to sit on.

"I didn't expect this at all from you Jisoo," He said. I only looked down. I can't look at any of them. I can only feel their stares especially Jennie's glare.

"You were always the overachiever from the stories your father told me. Always followed in his footsteps. You're the last person I thought would end up here, locked up" He sighed.

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