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Jennie POV

It's been a couple of weeks since we found out that

The Savages started retreating, and a month since Jisoo left. I still don't have news concerning Jisoo and her group, and I can't seem to get any news from anyone.

I've been going through these past weeks like a dead fish. Just letting the river drag me wherever.

I didn't try to talk to anyone anymore. My father kept on reaching out to me but I often ignored him.

I walked towards our dining area for breakfast.

"Good morning princess" I heard my father greet me, but I just sat down on my seat and started eating, not looking at him once.

I heard him sigh "The marriage is happening in a few months. Have you chosen your dress yet?" He asked.

I just nodded "Yes father" I replied emotionless.

I heard him sigh again.

I know I'm being petty and childish, but at this point, that's the only thing I can do.

I stood up and thanked the cook and started walking out. I need some air.

I walked out of the castle and walked towards the spacious area and watched the knights practice. This seemed to relax me now rather than stress me out like before.

Their movement is somehow graceful. I never appreciated violence and fighting in general, but after knowing Jisoo and seeing her passion for it, it made me see the art and beauty of it.

Suddenly someone got my attention. He's walking past the knights and started talking to the commander of the Longfords. I haven't seen him since the war because he was staying in our kingdom.

I stood up and called him "Taeyung!"

He turned to me and looked worried but headed towards me anyway.

"Good to see you, your highness," he said with a bow.

"You too. I hope everything is going well in our kingdom" I said, hoping for him to say anything about the war.

He only nodded as a reply "Excuse me, your highness, I still have to handle a couple of things before returning to our kingdom" he said.

I sighed and reached for his arm before he started walking. I looked down "Please tell me any news Taeyung. I can't just be here hoping that she's alive. I know you already know who I'm talking about" I said begging.

He turned to me and looked at me with pity "I'm sorry your highness. I'm not allowed to say anything about the war" he replied sadly.

"Can I at least know how the kingdom is? The people that are still there, how are they?" I asked hoping he would answer.

He looked down "I'm sorry your highness, I can't"

I nodded hopelessly and sighed "Thank you Taeyung," I said and he bowed before leaving, I only watched him walk away.

They cannot do this to me. Marry me to someone I don't love and basically sell me to another kingdom then keep things from me that's concerning my kingdom and people.

I'll do anything for my kingdom, I'm even putting my life and happiness away for them. I need to know and this time I can't wait anymore.

I walked back to the castle and started packing my stuff. I need to go back to our castle. I need to know what's happening.

I can't just stay here and watch knight after knight being brought here in crates to bury and hoping it's not Jisoo and her group.

All the knights are sacrificing their lives for
us to live, but I'm starting to doubt if we deserve it.

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