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Today is my fight at the arena. Everyone is getting ready for the fight, the decorators, the chefs, the servants, and the fighters. The King is so excited, he won't stop talking about it.

I only had a half-day of work today, because every knight will be at the arena anyway, the royals will be protected. I'm going to walk with the royals to the arena then from there I would leave to change to my armor then sneak to the back with the other fighters.

We are now walking towards the arena and the king can't stop talking about the fight "Today is going to be my favorite I can just feel it. We have new contenders from different kingdoms today. The knight of roses will have a new challenger as always, but it's not like last time, this contender is the best of all time, no one has beaten this man. This fight is going to be the highlight for today" He gushed to the Queen who obviously wasn't listening. She only mumbled, "Violence is awful Jiyong" Scolding her husband.

Jennie walked beside me "Sorry about father, he's a huge fan of The Knight of Roses" She said shyly.

I just chuckled and nodded.

The King continued "The Longfords are the one who recommended the best contenders from the other kingdoms, so sad that Seung-hyun isn't here to watch this exciting event, stupid Savages just needed to get attention" The King said and shook his head.

I froze "I'm sorry what? The Savages are back?" I asked shocked.

The King's eyes widened obviously had said it by accident "Oh don't worry about it, everything is being handled" He smiled forcefully at me trying to be reassuring.

Then the Longfords caught his attention then he and the king started speaking. He glanced at me a few times worried.

"Hey" Jennie stood beside me, she cringed when I didn't give her any attention  "Seung-hyun's going to be okay Jisoo, he's one of the strongest men here"

I turned to her, my eyes watering slightly. Her eyes widened, shocked to see my broken "Jennie, you don't understand, they're going to kill him. He's too emotional to be rational" I said slightly panicking.

Jennie didn't know how to reply, she only looked sorry and helpless.

I can't lose my father. That's going to break me, he's the only one I have left.

The event continued, the jesters performed and the food was served. The people were all enjoying the day, but I can't make myself join them. I'm was just too troubled.

I was so out of it that Jennie even tried talking to me, to cheer me up a bit "You've been quiet the entire time, we could leave if you want" Jennie smiled sadly, I knew she wanted to touch me and comfort me but there were just too much people looking.

She was trying to make me feel a little better and I'm grateful for that but this time it's just not going to work. I can't even force myself to smile.

We still have half an hour before the fight starts and it's also the end of my shift, so I still have a little time to get ready. I said goodbye to the princess and the royals then went my way.

Jennie POV

Jisoo left for the end of her shift, I even asked her if she's sure that she didn't want to stay and watch the fight but she just shook her head and left.

I wanted to follow her so bad but as a part of the royals, I needed to stay here until the end of the event. I was so worried about Jisoo, I wanted to be there for her right now.

It was the first time that I saw her showing so much vulnerability and I felt it tug my heart, I wasn't used to seeing Jisoo like that.

She always looked like she could take anything the world threw at her but this time I knew it was just too much.

I can't imagine what she's feeling right now knowing that the people who murdered and raped your mother are out there battling your father who was only thinking about revenge than anything else.

The event continued and finally, the fights started. There were a lot of new fighters that weren't familiar to me. They were very skilled when it came to fighting so most of the fights were exciting.

My father was having the time of his life.

Hanbin fought in the arena as well, he didn't give me any attention like he did last time. I guess he heard about my upcoming marriage with Prince Kai.

I was daydreaming the whole time, I didn't get to watch the whole thing, but I did hear that Hanbin won which is a huge shock to me.

I got bored and started picking out the threads that were sticking out from my dress.

Then the announcer suddenly got my attention "The fight that you've all been waiting for. The best fighters of the two kingdoms, battling out in the arena. The White Knight of Kingdom Longford and our very own The Knight of Roses!" The people went wild, a lot of them stood up and chanted "Roses!, Roses!"

I never thought about the day that I went to find out about the Knight's Identity. I got distracted and a lot happened and it didn't cross my mind again until now.

I know that the person in that armor is a woman, I'm confident in that. The way she moves and the way she executes her attack. I'm no expert in fighters but I did spend a lot of my time watching Knights.

I know that it was made illegal a long time ago because of the low population, and women fighting and dying will only make it drop more, but now that we have a huge amount of people, we don't need that anymore. They are trying to legalize it again and I'll make sure it stays legalized when I'm Queen.

The White Knight walked out and headed to the middle of the arena. I was surprised about his size. I expected someone so much bigger because that's usually what The Knight of Roses fights, but he was a normal-sized man.

He's already wearing his armor so I can't describe his face, but he looks intimidating even without the huge body build.

They called The Knight of Roses again since the knight hasn't come out still.

Everyone was curious about where the knight was, then suddenly the knight came out and everyone cheered. I was kind of hoping that she wouldn't come out.

I just have a bad feeling about this.

She stood in the middle of the arena. She looked out of it like our knight was distracted. I turned to my father and saw him looking at a knight with a confused gaze. I guess he sees the distress of the knight as well. This can't be good.

"Let us not wait much longer! The White Knight versus The Knight of Roses!" The announcer yelled.

The crowd cheered and the dreadful fight started.

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