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Jisoo POV

After traveling for some time, we can finally see our Kingdom in the distance.

"Home sweet home," Jungkook said smiling.

We stopped our horses and from here we could see the sun rising behind our Kingdom that made it look so heavenly. It made me feel so many emotions, but mostly happiness that gave a lasting smile on my face.

Not knowing what's waiting for us inside made me both excited and anxious.

"I can't believe we're home," V said with watery eyes as we crossed the bridge leading to our Kingdom.

We all nodded. All of us thought that we'll never see our home again. There were a lot of doubts that we'll make it out alive, but we did.

We finally reached the massive gates then jumped off our horses. Jungkook guides V down off his horse because he's still struggling with his legs.

Two guards walked towards us cautiously
with their weapons pointing at us.

My father walked in front of them with his hands up "I am Seung-hyun also known as The Great Red Lion. The commander of this Kingdom. We've been gone for a while but we're finally home" he said.

The guards walked closer to see the five of us clearer, their eyes widened from the recognition, then the guard yelled to another guard stationed at the top of the gate "Let them in!"

Then we saw the gate slowly rising and a loud trumpet was blown, announcing our return.

My father walked closer to us before saying "I'll talk to the King and we'll deal with the Longfords. I don't want any of you acting suspiciously when it comes to the Longfords. We'll handle this quietly. We don't want them attacking us when we don't even know the situation with the King" He said seriously.

We nodded. This is going to be hard. How can we act normal when the family who's been funding the monsters who killed a lot of our people is standing and relaxing in our very own castle.

I sighed but my father is right. We can't handle this recklessly. We need to be smart about this.

"What if I accidentally punched the Prince in the face. Is that still suspicious?" Lisa asked with a serious face.

I chuckled and my father rolled his eyes but smiled.

We walked through the open gate and entered our kingdom.

I immediately looked around and saw that a lot has already changed. A lot of new shops have been built and new decorations for the Kingdom and a lot of things have also been replaced.

"It still feels like home even though so much has changed," V said.

"I'm just looking forward to lying on my bed. I'm so exhausted" Jungkook said.

A knight ran towards us "Sir Seung-hyun. The King wants to welcome you all back and thank you personally" the knights said.

My father nodded and we went straight to the Castle. While we were walking, everyone is staring at us. Most of them recognized us and some looked at us confused maybe because of what we're wearing or maybe because all of them thought we're dead. But no one dared to come closer.

We walked up the wide steps leading to the castle. When we reached the door a knight opened it for us.

We stepped inside the castle and I looked around. Everything's the same then suddenly memories started to hit me.

I lived in this castle for a long while that I could already consider this my second home and being gone for as long as I did made me miss this place so much.

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