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Jennie POV

We've been in the Longford Kingdom for about two weeks now and Jisoo is still not back. Even her father hasn't returned yet. Which my father said was normal, he said they could last weeks or even months on a single mission.

The war is still not over. My father said this war could also last for a while.

The only good thing that's happening is that the civilians are being brought here safely. About three groups every couple of days. We still have a lot of people in our kingdom waiting for their turn to be rescued.

My family is standing by the gate waiting for another group of civilians. We saw the gate rise and a carriage was pulled in by horses.

Another set of our people was saved.

The people came out of the carriage as usual, but this time two of them are familiar.

Judy and Soojoo.

"Excuse me," I said to my parents, then walked straight to Judy and Soojoo.

"Your highness" Judy said before bowing and Soojoo followed.

I gave a forced smile "How are you?" I asked.

Judy looked down "We're fine your highness, but my library was burnt to the ground. All the wonderful books gone" Judy said while I saw her eyes water.

I nodded sadly "I'm sorry to hear that. We'll help in rebuilding everything when we get back but I'm glad that both of you are safe" I said sincerely.

Judy smiled at me but I noticed that Soojoo is still looking around.

I looked at her questioningly "Are you looking for someone?" I asked.

She looked at me shyly "Yes you highness. I was hoping to see Jisoo" she bit her lip nervously.

I looked down and the uneasiness and worry I was feeling came back. I looked at her "She was sent to an emergency mission" I replied.

Her eyes filled with worry "Oh. Is she alright? Do you have any news, your highness?"

I swallowed and shook my head sadly "The only news we have is she was sent with three other knights to fulfill a very important mission. I'm not sure if the people in charge have more news that they're not allowed to share" I informed.

Soojoo nodded sadly. "Thank you your highness" I can see her concern for Jisoo and it made me feel a little jealous.

I just nodded "You should settle down and take some rest. We assigned some temporary shelters for all the survivors"

Judy and Soojoo smiled slightly "Thank you, your highness"

I nodded and watched them follow the other group.

I sighed. Our kingdom hasn't been to war for years so this is somehow new again. We're just very grateful that The Longfords have been very welcoming.

Prince Kai gracefully walked towards me "How are you, my Princess?" He asked.

I cringed inside. I wasn't his princess, but I forced a smile and acted professionally. It's how I was trained. "I'm doing okay Prince Kai, thank you" I replied shortly.

He nodded "We're doing everything we can to help" he gave me a charming smile.

"And we are very grateful for everything you've done for us, especially for your hospitality" I replied truthfully.

He smiled proudly "Anything for my future bride"

My heart stopped when I heard that. With everything that happened and still happening, I forgot about my engagement.

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