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Jisoo POV

I couldn't believe my eyes. My father is standing right in front of me, wearing the same expression as I am. I don't know if I should be happy because he's not dead or maybe I should be terrified because only one of us will leave this arena alive.

I turned towards the metal bars below the audience and saw my friends' shocked faces. No one expected this.

We anticipated a lot of possible circumstances, but not this.

"Let the fight begin!" The announcer yelled.

My father charged at me with his spear in the air. What the hell.

I blocked his spear with my sword as he whispered "Make this fight believable.

I nodded slightly and pushed my sword towards him and swung almost striking him on the side.

"What are you doing here?" He asked while we are still fighting.

"Our kingdom was attacked and we were sent to an emergency mission" I replied while breathing heavily from swinging my sword.

He shook his head sadly "Is everyone okay?" He asked.

I nodded barely so the cheering audience won't notice "They were evacuated to the Longford Kingdom"

He screamed before swinging his spear but I dodged it just in time. Then he spoke "When you get out of here I want you to tell the King to remove all ties with the Longfords"

He dodged my sword then I looked at him confused "Why? The Longfords are the ones who helped us when we were burning to the ground" I said.

He's breathing heavily when he said "Just trust me. I've been here long enough to tell who can and can't be trusted. The Longfords are snakes" He growled.

I'm shocked "They're the ones who are funding the Savages" I realized.

He nodded while clenching his jaw.

I shook my head. This can't be true. This is a lot bigger than we thought.

We continued fighting and somehow I imagined us in the forest that was closest to our house when he was training me. Look how far we've gone.

I would never have imagined us to end up here.

He spun around and ended up behind me then he started choking me with his spear "I want you to run as fast as you can and don't look back. We'll end all of this" he said with determination.

I dropped my sword and started grabbing the spear away from my neck "What do you mean?" | asked out of breath.

Then he yelled his war cry then everything felt like it turned to slow motion, he moved the spear away from me then threw it with so much power and I saw it go straight to the King and right through his heart.

The audience was silent before I heard my father scream "Run!" Then the crowd went crazy.

The Savages started launching themselves off the sides with the audience and started to go after me and my father.

We started to run and I saw Lisa on the upper sides shooting arrows and when she saw me she nodded. Our plan is still going.

"Jisoo!" I heard V's voice. I looked to my side and saw Jungkook running with V on his back. Jungkook is a very muscular guy, so V weighs nothing to him.

When they reached me I asked while we continued to run "Is everything going as planned?" I asked breathlessly.

V nodded "Just waiting for your signal"

I looked back up at Lisa and nodded signaling as a go.

She lit up her arrow with fire and shot to one of the barrels at the side.

We saw one by one it exploded. Then it started spreading and burning the wood that was scattered around the arena, then V's self-made explosives detonated and jammed the gates behind us making it stuck and couldn't be opened. Then the fire reached the people trapping them and burning them alive.

We stopped at the top of the hill to see everything unfold.

We heard all the screams of desperate Savages asking for help and screams of agony.

A grappling hook with a rope attached to it swung to one of the trees beside us and we saw Lisa swinging towards us.

Then she landed right beside me then she turned her attention to the burning Kingdom.

We watched as the Kingdom burn down taking the whole Ruins with them. It was hidden so well that people couldn't see it, but now that the rocks started collapsing, you could see everything.

I felt my father put his arm around my shoulders "It's not over yet. Let's find us some horses" he smiled at me.

We walked looking for a place to stay the night and if we're lucky we might find a couple of horses.

While we were walking my father asked "How the hell did you guys pull that off?" He chuckled with his deep voice.

Jungkook smiled at V behind him "It just took a lot of skill and a lot of teamwork" Jungkook said.

Then we smiled at each other, still couldn't believe we pulled it off. The four of us have already been through so much together and I can't imagine losing them.

"I'm proud of you guys" My father smiled "I could see that the four of you could be the next generation leaders of the Kingdom"

"Not me, I can't lead for shit," Lisa said and we laughed.

The sun was already setting when we saw a farm with a small cabin. We walked towards it.

When we reached it my father knocked on the door.

An old elderly woman opened the door and she looked terrified "Please just take anything! Don't hurt us please!" The woman started crying and begging.

"It's our clothes" I whispered to my father then pushed him slightly to the side and I tried talking to the woman "I'm sorry but we're not Savages. We were prisoners by them that's why we're wearing their clothes. We were just hoping we could borrow some horses and maybe stay here for the night" I smiled slightly.

My father commented "You will be greatly rewarded by our Kingdom when we get back"

The woman looked at us one by one "I'm sorry but I can't let you stay here, but if you want we have a stable at the back and you can sleep there. I just can't risk it. We've been through enough already" she said sadly "The horses are also there. Just take them, we don't want any trouble"

We nodded and my father said "We understand. Thank you"

Then we walked to the back and got in the stable. It wasn't that bad. There were a lot of haystacks that we could sleep on. It's a lot more comfortable than the concrete floor we've been sleeping on for months.

"Sleep well. We have a long way home tomorrow" My father said and we nodded.

I laid down on my back and looked at the small gap in the middle of the ceiling to see the stars and smiled.

We're finally going home.

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