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Jennie POV

"Let me go!" I screamed as I pushed my father away. "I need to see her" I whispered to nothing.

I stumbled out of my father's grip.

"Jennie, she wouldn't want you to see her that way," my father said with genuine sympathy in his eyes.

My lips trembled as new tears leaked from my eyes.

I shook my head "No" I said as I looked around.

Lisa was looking blankly at the wall with Chaeyoung clutching her arm, Soojoo stood shocked staring at the window, then suddenly the door caught my attention as I saw a glimpse of Soojin running out.

"Soojin!" I yelled but she didn't hear me.

My father finally let me go as I ran towards Soojin but as soon as I went through the door, she was gone.

"Soojin!" I yelled desperately.

I felt someone follow behind me.

"I'm going to check on Jisoo, please stay here" I heard Lisa behind me as she lightly pulled my arm.

I knew why everyone wanted me to stay put, but I couldn't help myself. I need to see her. I need to know.

I turned to Lisa "No, I'm coming with you" I said forcefully as Chaeyoung walked behind Lisa.

"Me too," She said.

Lisa sighed "We stop outside by the corner, I'll check first then I'll call you guys," she said sadly.

We proceeded down the stairs as I feel my
heartbeat louder and stronger, I fear that when I see Jisoo my heart would just stop.

We went straight outside passing by the huge doors of the castle.

Lisa's arm blocked me "Stay here," she said before turning the corner.

I looked at Chaeyoung before turning my attention back to where Lisa disappeared. I stared at the walls hoping for anything.

"Soojin! Jungkook!" We heard Lisa yell behind the corner.

I stepped forward instinctively but stopped. "What's happening" I whispered with frustration.

Before the anticipation killed me, Lisa finally appeared.

Lisa signaled us to follow her "Soojin and Jungkook have her. Let's go!" she said as we head towards her.

We passed by Kai laying on the floor with his lips purple, skin pale, and so much blood surrounding his body.

I gasped, wishing that all those blood are only his.

Lisa passed in front of me before spitting on Kai's body "Good fucking riddance" she mumbled before walking away.

I can't seem to look away from his body until Chaeyoung pulled me away, then we rushed to Lisa.

The closer we got to the infirmary the stronger my heartbeat.


We finally caught Soojin and Jungkook's back at the entrance, they were talking to our physician.

Jungkook's back was stained with blood and that didn't help with the anxiety that I was feeling.

"-to let you know" I only caught the end of what our physician said.

Soojin's sighed in defeat.

I pulled her sleeve "What did they say?" I asked desperately.

She looked around to see everyone was here "She's inside, but they still have to check" She bit her lip like she was contemplating saying what was on her mind.

"Tell me" I pushed as I grabbed her arm, watching as emotions passed by her eyes. "Please" I followed softly.

Soojin sighed but relented "They're not sure if she'll make it. I'm sorry, but she wasn't looking good." She said softly.

I drew out a shaky breath "She'll make it, she has to" I said as I felt a tear run down my face.

Lisa gripped both my arms and looked through my red teary eyes, keeping me from falling apart "She'll make it. Her stubborn ass is going to make it. If she can make it out from all the shit with the Savages, she'll make it through this. Especially this. Let's not lose hope" she said then looked away but I still saw the tears in her eyes just waiting to break free. I felt that she wasn't only convincing me but herself as well.

They went through a lot together in the hands of the Savages, I knew their bonds are inexpressible.

I moved closer to Lisa and held her hand.

She'll make it. Jisoo will make it.

What will happen to Jisoo now, will she be able to make it?!

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