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Princess Jennie POV

I'm still stuck in this meeting with my father. He was talking to the top leaders of our kingdom. Seung-hyun arrived late, said he just finished something, but I think it's obvious that he wanted to see Jisoo for a bit.

Father wanted me to attend these meetings so I'll be ready for the future which I understand.

"Some kingdoms have reported attacks by
the Savages," the general said. This got my attention.

The Savages is an evil and powerful group who invades kingdoms to steal riches and women. They are just horrible. They will kill a lot of people just for their own pleasure.

No one really knows where their castle is located or if they even have one. Years and years of sending a group of great knights for an expedition to look for them, none of them returns.

Our kingdom was attacked years ago and it was one of the most horrible things that ever happened here. A lot of people were killed, women raped then killed, children kidnapped and was never found.

Our kingdom took a long time to recover,
but when we did, we became one of the most powerful kingdoms standing.

We've never heard of The Savages for
years, that's why it shocked me.

"The Savages?" Seung-hyun stood up fuming "If we do have an expedition, I'm volunteering to lead the group"

Father looked at him sadly "Seung-hyun, we both know why you can't, it's too personal for you and that might get you killed. This kingdom needs you alive"

"Your highness, I've waited for too long, I did nothing for too long. The Savages did so much damage on my family and you know that" Seung-hyun aggressively pleaded.

"I don't know what exactly happened that night but I know that you risking your life is not worth it. You have a daughter for christ's sake, Seung-hyun. I know you are the best man for the job in terms of skill and leadership but for it being too personal to you, you're going to make a lot of stupid decisions because of that. So that makes you the worst man for the job" My father said trying to convince him.

Seung-hyun sighed "You want to know what exactly happened that night?"

No one spoke, I guess some part of them were curious. None of them were there, being at the top means you are protected by the best, only relying on news from the messengers. Seung-hyun was also here in the castle at that time, but he ran outside to get his family, my father told me.

Seung-hyun started his story with a glazed look like he was reliving it "It was chaos, a lot of screaming. There was fire everywhere, people burning. I wanted to help them but I was so worried about my family that I turned a blind eye, I still feel guilty to this day but I didn't regret it because I was just in time to save my little girl. She is one brave kid" He smiled slightly remembering her daughter

He sighed "When I arrived at my house, it was a disaster. A lot of parts were burning, wood scattered, and part of the ceiling falling off. And in the middle of it all, I see my wife naked and she was drenched in her own blood, her body was full of stab wounds. I stood frozen, my wife was dead. What woke me from my trance was Sooyaa. She was crying on top of her mother, she was covered with blood, I was so scared that it might be hers, I pulled her up. I can't even talk to her, she was frozen in shock. I had to carry her out of our burning house because she wouldn't move on her own. You know what broke my heart more than seeing my wife killed?" He looked at my father "It's seeing my daughter broken. You know she has nightmares to this day. I would wake up from her screaming and she would be sweating buckets and shaking so wildly. Until we just got used to it. We never got over it. She was only a ten-year-old girl and she was held by men to force her to watch her mother being raped then stabbed thirteen times after" He looked like he was barely getting it together.

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