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We walked through the village. The princess looked like she was having the best time, she rarely visits the village so I understand her reactions.

The princess turned to me "Thank you for letting me come, I really needed a break from the castle" she smiled slightly.

I just gave her a nod.

We arrived at the little bookstore where I always get new books. I've been going to this bookstore since I was a kid and the books are not the only reason I came here often before, I also came for Judy, she's a typical grandma, she feeds me like there's no tomorrow, she was also there especially when my mom passed away. They were my second family here.

But I didn't visit her as often as I did before, It started when I first fought in the arena, I just became really busy in training and now I live in the castle so I had less time in visiting her, I always felt guilty for not giving time.

I opened the door for the princess and the bell above the door rang.

Judy looked at me shocked, she has short white curly hair and she has her reading glasses on "Oh dear, is that you Jisoo?" she walked forward.

"Hi Judy, it's been a while" I smiled guiltily then she rushed to me hugging me tightly on my waist.

"Oh I've missed you, dear, it's been too long" she moved back a pulled me down a little, and squished my cheeks "Oh you become more beautiful every time I see you" I am now blushing all shades of red, this is so embarrassing, especially because Jennie is right beside me.

Jennie chuckled and Judy turned to her then her eyes widened "Oh my, I didn't know you had the princess with you" Judy bowed "I'm so sorry your highness"

"That's fine and you can call me Jennie" Jennie smiled at Judy then she turned to me, I was still blushing from embarrassment.

"You are not only beautiful but kind as well" Judy smiled at the princess "Oh this is wonderful, I can cook lunch for all of us" Judy was already jumping slightly from excitement.

"It's okay Judy, you don't have to--" She interrupted me "Oh Soojoo! I should call her to accompany us for lunch" Then she turned to me and said softly "She will be so happy to see you Jisoo" She touched my face then went to the back to call Isabelle.

"Who's Soojoo?" Jennie came closer to me and her head was slightly bent to the side with a curious expression.

I smiled slightly "She's Judy's granddaughter" Jennie nodded with a thoughtful look on her face.

Judy walked out smiling with a girl walking behind her. My eyes widened a bit when I saw Soojoo. The last time I remembered her was she always had a hood covering her head and some part of her face, she was always shy. I was always the one starting a conversation with her and I was always the one asking her to play with me. She will only smile at me or give me a short reply.

She lived with her mom after that so I didn't get to see her that much anymore.

Seeing her now without the hood and her dark hair flowing beautifully and seeing her wearing a dress that fits her perfectly and not the clothes that were too big for her, I was shocked.

I've always thought she was pretty, that's why I didn't get why she was always hiding her face.

"Your highness" Soojoo bowed and smiled at her.

Jennie smiled back.

Then Soojoo turned to me then blushed "Jisoo" She smiled softly "It's been a while"

I smiled "I know and I'm sorry, I'll try to visit more often" We moved and sat on the couches at the back. The back of the bookstore is their house, It was average-sized and always looked so cozy.

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