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Jisoo POV

The knight gave the king an armor that he got from the back of the room. He needs to be prepared just in case something goes wrong.

I opened the door of the tunnel leading to the horses at the back.

I nodded at them to go ahead. The queen passed by me and kissed my cheek "Thank you" She said before passing the tunnel.

"Let's go, Jennie," The King said.

But Jennie isn't moving. She has her back facing us.

I looked at the King confused then turned back to Jennie "Jennie?" I called.

"I don't know what to do, I feel so helpless," She said with a shaky voice.

I saw the King take a step towards Jennie but stopped mid-step to turn to me "I don't think it's me she wants to talk to" he said lowly.

I looked at him confused then suddenly I realized, my eyes widened slightly, he knew. Everything about Jennie and I, he knew.

Looks like I'll be stuck in the dungeon for life, if l even survive this war.

I looked at him shocked, he only nodded towards Jennie, then he walked out through the tunnel following his wife.

When we were finally alone, I looked at Jennie's back with her golden curls flowing. I walked towards her.

"You don't have to worry about anything Princess. Just get yourself to the safety of the Longford Kingdom. The people need you, you're the only heir" I said softly.

She turned to me and I saw her eyes gathering unshed tears "You don't get it do you?" She said frustrated.

I looked at her confused "Get what?" I asked.

She sighed "I know my duties, and I know I should prioritize my safety but I can't help but feel like I should stay here instead," she said sadly.

I shook my head "You can't, it's dangerous. You're royalty. They would do anything to get their hands on you. Especially if they can make your father do anything they want"

She sighed exasperated "I know that" she looked down.

"Then why consider staying?" I asked softly.

She glared at me "You're so dense sometimes, it's frustrating"

I narrowed my eyes "If you think I'm so-" she interrupted me.

She groaned "It's because I fucking love you, that's why," she said then tears started falling from her eyes.

Her words made me feel like everything stopped, even time. Did I hear it right? She loves me?

I reached out to her but she moved back "Jennie-"

"I feel like I'm going to lose you and I can't do anything about it" She whispered.

I reached out again but this time she didn't move back. I cupped her face with both hands while wiping her tears away.

"You won't" I try to convince the both of us.

She shook her head "You don't know that" she said as her voice shook.

I looked down, because I know she's right. I sighed "I know I can't promise that I'll come back safely, but I can promise that I'll try"

She put both of her hands on her face then cried.

"I promise I'll do anything to come back" I removed her hands to see her face "because I have someone to come back to now," I said softly.

She looked up with tears still streaming down her face. She looked at me softly then her gentle hands grabbed my face and attached her warm lips on mine.

It's been a while since we last kissed but I'll never forget these lips that feel like home.

I moved my arms and wrapped them around her waist and pulled her closer.

It's hard to imagine that this could possibly be the last time we see each other.

"Princess Jennie, the king is asking for your presence," A knight said, he was looking down, embarrassed that he saw something that he shouldn't have.

I let go of Jennie "You need to go before they find out that the King is gone" I said.

She stared at me a little longer like she was imprinting my face to her memory. I saw a tear run down her face that I knew was for me. I wiped it and kissed her with the most passion that I could give, not even caring that the knight could see us, before letting her go.

When she entered the tunnel I watched her until she disappeared through the shadows.

I took a deep breath and got myself together. The mission, the war, the killings, and my father being captured.

I tightened my armor a little more. I nodded to the knight that called Jennie earlier "Let's get these assholes out of our kingdom"

The knight nodded and smiled at me before we both ran out of the panic room, took our swords out, and went straight to the chaos.

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