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Soojin POV

We burst through the door and saw the King pulling Princess Jennie from the window and whispering comforting things to her as she thrashed and wailed.

"What happened? Where's Prince Kai?" I frantically asked but no one answered me.

I looked around as I felt Soojoo stop beside me.

Hanbin was looking at his feet like he didn't know what to do.

Lisa is also in the room with a crying Chaeyoung on her chest. I watched as she rubbed Chaeyoung's back with her hands shaking.

Lisa always pushed everyone away when it comes to intimacy. I expected her to gently push the girl away, the same way I always saw her when we were both applying for knighthood in our kingdom, but her eyes looked dead at that moment.

"What the fuck is going on" I whispered.

Then suddenly Jungkook ran past me towards the door. I pulled his arm to stop him.

"Where are you going?" I asked him, desperately trying to figure everything out.

He looked at me with watery eyes "She could still be alive, she has to be" he said before dashing out.

Princess Jennie cried harder as she tried to push her father away from her, but her father didn't budge from their embrace. Princess Jennie's sobs were so broken.

"Where's Jisoo?" Soojoo asked beside me.

Then suddenly everything clicked. I looked at Princess Jennie crying, then the shattered window.

"Oh no," I involuntarily stepped back while looking at the window before moving my attention to the door.

I took a deep breath before rushing towards the door to follow Jungkook.

Oh God, Jisoo.

I ran down the stairs two at a time, trying to catch up to Jungkook.

This can't be happening.

I jumped over the fallen chairs and other debris scattered on the floor from the chaos.

I burst out the castle doors and ignored the sudden brightness of the sun outside and ran to the right side of the castle until I finally saw Jungkook's back while he was kneeling.

He was blocking them, so I could only see two pairs of legs. My heartbeat was beating twice as fast as I realized whose bodies those were.

I slowed myself down to a stop as I watched Jungkook, I felt the fear of what I might discover.

My breathing was labored as I tried to catch
my breath.

Please. Not Jisoo.

I walked slowly towards Jungkook, then Jungkook looked back at me "Come on, help me bring her to the infirmary" he said as he ran a shaking hand through his hair.

I snapped out of it and rushed towards him. I braved myself to look down.

Jisoo was on top of Kai, her face hidden in Kai's shoulder, so Jungkook turned Jisoo slowly to separate them and laid Jisoo beside Kai.

There was so much blood on the concrete. Kai's dead eyes were staring straight up and his mouth slightly open.

I grimaced at his appearance. His head took most of the impact with half of his head shattered, his arm wasn't too lucky as well, as it bent at a weird angle.

I finally looked at Jisoo and her face was also covered in blood.

I could only see a gash on her left temple as it gushes out blood, but I couldn't tell how bad it really is.

"Let's hurry. She's losing too much blood. Be careful with her leg, I think it's broken" Jungkook said before I helped him lift her to his back.

Then we ran towards the infirmary, praying to anyone who could be listening.

Only 2 chapters are left
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