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I'm with my father today, he's training me in the forest with huge trees surrounding us. His style of fighting is so different from mine but I am always open to learning new things to get better.

I was breathing heavily and I was covered in sweat "Father, why are so insistent in training me today? You even asked the King personally to give me a day off on a weekday. I'm not complaining or anything, just curious." I sat on the grass and drank some water.

He sat beside me "I want you ready for your next fight, It's been months since the last time you fought, I don't want you rusty. I don't want you getting hurt more than you should" He sighed "I won't be here for your next fight"

Why wouldn't he be? The fight is a tradition, everyone goes.

"Why father? Where are you going?" I asked drinking more water.

He faced me "Just some small mission out of the kingdom, I volunteered to lead the knights" he smiled reassuringly.

It's nothing new to me really, He goes out of the kingdom all the time for missions but this is the first mission I heard that starts the same day as the fight, nobody usually misses the fight.

But I guess that just comes with being the commander.

"Okay father, just be careful okay?" I hugged him "How long are going to be gone?" I asked.

He shrugged "I'm not sure but maybe just a couple of weeks, I'm not going far," he said.

"Okay father, I'll be waiting" I smiled. He hugged me and told me again to be careful on the fight.


I am now headed to the castle after training with my father and training with Fendrel after. It's already late when I arrived.

I showered and did my nightly routine and headed for my room ready to fall asleep exhausted from my day.

Jennie and I were back to normal but distant. She doesn't come to my room when she's bored, she doesn't glance at me when she's at a meeting and makes funny faces, she doesn't talk to me as much anymore. We became professional like we were supposed to be in the beginning.

It's been almost two months and I still don't know if I'm happy that we became distant. It's sad because she became my closest friend and watching myself slowly losing her is excruciating.

The good thing about this is by being distant from her, I get to handle my feelings. My heart still jumps a little every time I see her but I have control of it now.

I sigh, I don't even know what to say anymore. I never felt this with anyone before and sometimes it just makes me crazy. I imagine different scenarios that somehow she'll end up with me in the end, but I've always been a realistic person, I know it's impossible.

I need to fucking wake up.

I got inside my room and dropped on my bed and fell asleep.


Third-person POV

Seung-hyun went inside the King's office "I'm ready and the men who are coming with me are ready. What are we waiting for?"

The King sighed "You can't rush something like this Seung-hyun, this is a very difficult mission. People will die if you put your emotions first"

Seung-hyun sat on the chair in front of the King's desk "I know your highness, I'm sorry. It's just, I've waited for this opportunity to come for years, I don't want it to slip away" He brushed his hair back.

"I understand Seung-hyun, You will leave first thing tomorrow, a week before the fighting event. I hope you'll be back by then. They are already a lot closer because the last report about an attack was at the kingdom closest to us" The King informed.

Seung-hyun knew they won't make it to the fight where his daughter will be secretly competing, he's been studying The Savages for a while and he knows that he and his men will not come out of this without a lot of damage but hopefully succeeding. He can't die, his daughter is waiting.

Seung-hyun nodded satisfied that they don't have to travel too long "Thank you, your highness, we'll see you tomorrow before we leave the kingdom"

This will be one of the biggest missions that this kingdom has ever been assigned. He will either come home as the hero or in a crate.

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