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Jisoo POV

The Longfords entered the room carrying very unsettling energy. They walked with a couple of knights behind them who proceeded to stand at the four corners of the room.

Prince Kai looked around like he was memorizing who's attending this meeting.

We all stood up and the royals shook hands while the rest of us bowed. They greeted each other formally but you could still feel that something is wrong.

The Longfords sat on their seats adjacent to our King and Queen and in front of us.

I looked up and saw Prince Kai studying me. I lingered my eyes on him. He's not going to intimidate me.

Prince Kai finally looked away from me and suddenly stood up and looked at everyone in the room "I know you're all confused as to why we came here unannounced, but we heard some very unsettling news that needs our immediate attention" he said seething.

The atmosphere in the room became more disconcerting. I looked at Jennie and she looked uncomfortable and worried but somehow she still seemed relaxed. She met my eyes and tried to smile but failed.

Everything about this meeting felt ominous.

Prince Kai took a deep breath before continuing and he glared right at me "So you found a way to avoid imprisonment. Again." he tilted his head "If you were in my kingdom you would've been dead the moment you stepped foot inside the gates"

I suddenly couldn't stop my mouth from speaking "Then I'm glad I'm not from your kingdom" I said returning his glare.

I heard silent gasps from the room.

I know I just signed my death sentence but I just couldn't contain myself. I just hate this guy so much.

I felt Chaeyoung's hand squeeze my thigh like she was asking me to stop. I saw Jennie follow the movement of Chaeyoung's hand on my leg in my peripheral but I couldn't remove my eyes from Kai.

Prince Kai stared at me with shocked eyes "You dare talk back to me? You lowlife" He moved closer to me leaning over the table "I will execute you" he sneered.

Our King Jiyong stood "Prince Kai, please sit down. You may be my daughter's husband but you will not show this kind of disrespect in my kingdom" he said calmly but you could see the anger in his eyes,

King Walter reached for his son "Kai calm down. We have serious matters to discuss. We'll deal with her later" Then both Longfords glared at me.

Prince Kai nodded at his father and took a deep breath. He turned to King Jiyong "We heard about the marriage, as infuriating as that is, that's not why we're here" he announced while he glanced at me. I saw a glint in his eyes that sent shivers down my spine. It felt like death was looking right at me.

"Enlighten us then Prince Kai," King Jiyong said with his head held high.

Kai pulled out a small dagger from behind him and ran his finger slowly across it. I saw the Westbrooks move back as much as they could while sitting; terrified.

My father moved slightly forward with a fierce look on his face.

King Jiyong stood up suddenly "You are not allowed to bring weapons inside the premises, Prince Kai, even as small as a dagger. If this is some kind of intimidation, it's not going to work. I will not stand this kind of disrespect" he said while fuming, then he pointed at the door "I think it's best for you to leave"

I looked around and they all looked frozen.

Kai acted like he didn't hear a thing "You know I heard some of your knights speaking about The Savages and they're saying we're somehow connected" he said in a very calm voice.

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