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Jisoo POV

8 months later

I stretched my sore back and opened my eyes. I was greeted by the dark cell I've been staying in for months now, I don't even know how many months have passed or what time of day it is.

We've been prisoners of The Savages since we successfully freed the knights of our kingdom. It feels so far in the past already.

I was supposed to be imprisoned in our kingdom but ended up being imprisoned in a different kingdom. It's like I couldn't get away from my destiny.

"If we get out of here, the first thing I'll look for is a decent fucking bed" Lisa grumbled beside me, sitting up from the concrete floor, where we've been sleeping for however long we've been here.

"And food, lot's of food" Jungkook commented. We're being fed but not enough and sometimes I doubt it's even edible.

V sighed "Honestly, I just want to see my mother, she must be heartbroken, knowing all of us are most likely dead," he said sadly.

After V's comment, I couldn't help but think if everyone is okay. I know they got the kingdom back because of the Savages retreating but we have no news after that. We also know that they all think we're dead because no one tried to rescue us. No one came.

I just hope that Jennie is okay. She's the only one giving me the strength to stay sane. I haven't even seen my father yet. He wasn't with the prisoners when we freed them. I hope he's okay too.

A loud clank interrupted my thinking. I looked up and saw a Savage sliding trays of food under the metal bars of the cell.

"Eat. You'll fight later. Make sure it's a good one, the King we'll be there" The Savage said before leaving.

It's true, we fight in their arena now. I think that's the only reason they haven't killed us yet, because there's no other reason to keep us alive. They earn a lot of money by using us as entertainment.

But their arena fights are a lot different from ours. It's always a fight to the death and the audience craves bloodshed, so you have to give it to them.

We fight at least once every few weeks, it depends on how injured we are after.

I looked at the three of my friends "It's the first time the king will be attending" I said.

"What do you suggest we do?" V asked.

I shrugged "I have no idea, but I know this could be our chance to finish all of this," I said.

Lisa sighed "We already tried everything Jisoo"

I looked at her determined "Not everything. Don't lose hope now. We're so close, I can feel it" I told them.

Jungkook nodded "Okay. We need a plan. We know this place like the back of our hand. We know where most of the exits are and where the hallways lead and also the Savages' schedules" We all nodded.

We need to take everything into account. We can't make any more mistakes. Mistakes got us where we are now.

We were discussing our plans and every possibility when V spoke "You guys can just leave me here" he said looking down.

"Why the hell would we do that?" Jungkook glared.

V shrugged "We couldn't escape because of me. You could've left with the knights if you didn't go back for me," he said.

I turned to him "It's not your fault V" I try to convince him.

Jungkook nodded "It's their fault. They're
the ones who wounded your leg so you couldn't run" V shook his head with watery eyes "You shouldn't have gone back for me"

Lisa rolled her eyes "What's done is done. We're going home together. If you stay here then we all stay here" she said.

I nodded "We're family now V, and we don't leave family behind," I said.

Tears spilled from V's eyes "I can't run, I can barely walk, how am I going to help? I want to go home, I really do, but seeing this plan now, I can't do that. I'm just going to hold you back" he wept.

Jungkook moved beside him and put an arm on his shoulders "Our plan will not succeed without you. I will carry you until we get home. We are checking every probability and we'll know what to do whatever happens"

There's no way in hell we're leaving anyone behind. The four of us went on this mission, the four of us will go home.

Jungkook comforted V and after finally settling down he's willing to fight with us until we're home. I'm positive we can do this.

"The moment I enter the arena everyone will be distracted. That's your window to get away and-" Suddenly a loud siren interrupted me.

We looked at each other seriously. It's time for the fight.

A Savage opened our gate and put all of us in handcuffs and led us to the waiting area for the fight. The guards are fewer than we remember. Maybe most of them are guarding the King of Savages.

They gave us armors that looked like it wouldn't do much protecting. I feel like it was worn by fighters who were brutally killed in the arena, because of the scratches and holes. It even had parts missing and rusted areas.

"Good luck out there" Jungkook patted my back. I nodded and thanked him.

I stretched and got ready for the fight. I looked behind the metal bars and saw the two warriors fighting. They were already covered with blood and the people are going crazy, even shouting what they want to see like cutting off the head of the other warrior. People here are very vicious and brutal.

Then we saw the warrior pull his sword from the floor from where he dropped it then he stabbed the other warrior right through the neck making more blood gush out from the body.

The man fell face down and was surrounded by his blood. The other warrior is announced the winner.

I breathed slowly to get my act together. I can't die. I need to win this.

I walked in front of the old rusted mirror at the side and looked at my reflection.

I look a lot different now from when I left the kingdom. They dyed my hair red, they said it gives me more personality when I'm in the middle of the arena. They also cut it, so it only reached my shoulders.

But the biggest change I had was my eyes. It didn't light up like before, it lost all of its innocence. One look and you know it saw a lot of things it shouldn't have.

I saw the demons that were supposed to stay in my nightmares. The people who maltreated my mother were the same people we entertain weekly.

I clenched my jaw. I'm going to ruin them all.

"Now we welcome the most awaited fight. Both of our strongest and undefeated warriors battling to the death!" The announcer yelled. A Savage guided me out of the metal gate and I headed to the middle of the arena.

The crowd went wild. I hear a lot of screaming and whistles.

I looked up and saw the King smirking at me and blowing the smoke from his tobacco. He's looking at me like he knew something that I didn't.

I glared at him. I'm going to show him the best fight he's ever seen, so he'll know who he's dealing with.

I hear the gate being opened for my opponent. He's a big muscular man. He was wearing the same shitty armor as I am but he's holding a spear instead of a sword.

Something about him is familiar. Then he looked up.

I felt my world crumble down and the shock I felt was overwhelming.

I stepped closer. My voice wavered when I asked "Father?"

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