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Jisoo POV

I walked out to the arena and the people went wild. Everyone cheered, excited for the upcoming fight.

I looked at my opponent. He had a normal body build which is much difficult in my opinion, because when they're bigger, much like my past opponents. I had the advantage of speed, but now I didn't have that.

He was taller than me which meant he has a longer reach. Our speed will not have much of a difference because he's not buff. He has all the advantages in this fight.

I'm thinking about this too much, but it's better than thinking about my father.

My heart is pounding like crazy but not because of the fight. I want this to be over as soon as possible. My heart is pounding because of worry for my father.

The bell woke me up from my thinking.

I need to focus. The white knight in his stance started moving towards me slowly.

We started to circle each other then he swung his sword, I blocked it with mine. I went defensive for a while. I just kept blocking his attacks.

I'm not myself. I shouldn't be fighting right now.

We were both breathing heavily from our exchange of attacks. Somehow even without focus, I'm still standing.

He suddenly ran towards me and tackled me to the ground and hit my head hard on the pavement. I blinked a couple of times to get myself back to reality from how hard my head hit the floor.

He straddled me and brought his sword above his head ready to swing. I reached my sword just in time for me to block him.

He's starting to lose his patience because of how slow this fight is taking.

I need to finish this and follow my father.

That's the only motivation I need. I started towards him and he now became the defensive.

I slashed his leg and saw some blood come out, he screamed from the pain then he charged towards me with a newfound strength. He's definitely angry now.

He swung his sword at me with much more power than he did earlier. He slashed my arm through the leather and gave me a deep cut.

Yup, that's going to need stitches, but that's okay, as long as the adrenaline is pumping through my veins that wouldn't bother me much.

I kicked his legs and he fell to the ground. I put my sword in front of his neck to show the end of the fight.

He's an amazing fighter but anger makes you reckless, that's how he lost. With this thought, I came back to thinking about my father and how his emotions are involved in this mission.

The people stood up and cheered "Roses!

I stood up and walked towards the front of the King for him to officially announce my victory.

The King stood up and looked at me with pride. I bowed.

"I officially announce the victory of our very own The Knight of Roses!" The people once again cheered loudly.

The King signaled the people to settle down and continued "I would like to thank The Longfords for--"

Suddenly a shout was heard from no other than the white knight and he was charging toward me with so much anger. I can see the guards running towards him. My eyes widened then he swung his sword with so much power toward my head and hit the side of my helmet making me fall to the ground.

I turned to him holding his arms while the guards were trying to pull him off me, then his eyes widened and gasps were heard all over the arena.

I looked at the white knight confused, then I looked to my left and saw my helmet.

My eyes widened. Shit Shit Shit.

Suddenly I was being pulled up by guards from the floor. I looked at the King and panic and fear was the only thing I felt.

The King stared at me with so much shock and the Queen was covering her mouth from shock. But the thing that caught my eye the most was the princess. She wasn't looking at me like the others. She was looking at me with anger and confusion.

Then I was being dragged by the guards. I didn't look up anymore. I already saw enough.

I knew Judy and Soojoo were there as well,
they might be so disappointed with me. A woman of violence.

The moment that woke me up from my thinking is when they threw me in a dark cell in the dungeon.

The whole place was built underground. It is so dark in here that all I can see was gray and black and a little bit of yellow from the candles attached to the walls in the hallways.

What happens now. How will I get to my father when I'm locked up in here.

Time passed slowly here. The only thing I can hear is dripping water and my loud thoughts.

After a while I can already feel all the pain in my body, I guess the adrenaline is wearing out. I touched my right eyebrow and there's a cut bleeding, but that didn't even bother me. What bothered me is my bleeding arm.

I need stitches. Suddenly I heard footsteps.

"Hey, is anybody there?" I called.

Then a guard showed up looking at me with disgust. "Shut your fucking mouth" He ordered.

"I need a doctor," I told him. "I'm bleeding"

He snorted "Serves you right. Taking a man's job. You should've been at home cooking then you wouldn't be locked up and bleeding now would you" He laughed.

This bitch. Deep breaths Jisoo, Deep Breaths.

"Can I at least get a sewing kit? I'll stitch it myself" I said.

He smirked "Fine, watching you cry will be my entertainment until my watch is over" he walked out whistling.

What the hell am I going to do now.

What do you think will happen to Jisoo now? How will Jennie reacts?🤔

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