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Jisoo POV

When I stepped outside it was like I was reliving my past. I saw the same things that I was trying to forget.

The cries, the blood, the burning houses, the screaming, the desperation. It's all there. But one thing is different. I'm not helpless anymore.

I looked at the knight beside me. "What's your name?" I asked.

He looked at me shocked "U-um it's T-toby my lady"

I nodded. "Okay Toby, here's what you're going to do. Get as many carriages as you can and fill them with civilians from the safe house, starting with women and children, and group by group you send them to The Longford Kingdom. Whatever happens, don't stop. This place is going to be a battlefield and we don't want any more innocent deaths"

He nodded and ran towards the back heading to the safe house.

I turned and went to one of the barracks and saw knights rushing to get their armor.

I pulled one of the knights "Who's in charge?" I asked him.

His eyes widened "It's Sir Taeyung my lady"  I nodded and let him go.

I searched for Taeyung and finally found him at the back of the room in front of a map.

"Taeyung!" I called.

He looked up shocked. He walked towards me and hugged me "You troublemaker. Everyone is talking about the knight of roses, and how are you free?" he shook his head.

I looked down "I'm sorry, but that's not our main problem right now. We can talk about this when this is all over" I said.

He sighed "You're right. You're timing is perfect, I need someone who has expertise when it comes to this. I'm a skilled fighter but I'm not made for this. Everything is going downhill since your father left" he shook his head.

I nodded. I walked to the map and saw his plans of attack. It wasn't bad, I guess he's a little more skilled than he thought.

I pointed to him where I thought The Savages would be staying.

I put the chess piece that symbolizes The Savages "I'm confident that they will be staying there"

Taeyung looked confused "The Ruins? That's not possible. They wouldn't survive there. There's not a single kind of resource there. They would die of hunger and dehydration"

I nodded "I know, but maybe they found a way around that. Just think about it. We've been looking for them for years yet no one was successful. I saw their recent attacks and it's more likely that they are staying close and The Ruins is our best bet" I said.

He looked at the map and studied it before looking at me astonished. He nodded "What's your plan?"

I walked towards the window and watched as the knights are fighting outside "I want three of your best knights" I said and turned to him.

He nodded and listed the names on a piece of scroll and asked a knight to call those people.

I thanked him "I'm going to attack where they don't expect" I faced him.

Taeyung nodded "I'm proud of you kid. I knew you had potential the first time I trained you" I smiled and hugged him "May you taste victory in your battles Jisoo"

"Thank you Taeyung" I said sincerely.

"They're here Sir" A knight entered the door and three knights followed behind him.

"The knight of roses" One of the knights smirked.

"I would've expected you to be in a cell"

He is a buff guy and not surprisingly arrogant.

A red-haired guy stood in front of me and offered his hand for a shake "I'm V, don't mind Jungkook. I heard you needed support to take down The Savages"

I nodded "I want to organize a stealth mission. So the four of us is enough"

A female knight with black hair interrupted "More knights are dying outside. We need to act fast"

I nodded "We have horses waiting for us, let's go"

I know they were going to say yes to accompany me on this mission. We were already being attacked, what choice do they have.

Taeyung passed us new swords "These are the best swords that's ever been made. So bring home this victory because I want those swords back" he joked and we chuckled but the black-haired girl only rolled her eyes.

Taeyung looked at us one by one "Good luck in this mission knights. This might just be the most important mission in your lives and for the future of our kingdom"

We nodded and Taeyung gave his farewell and a prayer for safety. He also gave us water and some food for our trip.

After that, we ran towards the back and got on the horses. "Are you ready knights?! This is going to be the greatest mission that's ever been deployed!" Jungkook yelled excitedly.

"If we come back alive," The female knight said.

V sighed "Can you be a little more optimistic Lisa"

She only rolled her eyes.

I told them our plan of how we will attack The Savages' headquarters and where they are located. They couldn't believe that our destination is the Ruins but they agreed to the plan and gave a lot of useful suggestions.

We rode our horses until it was starting to get dark. The travel was becoming exhausting and seeing trees after trees pass us by is getting old. Finally, we found a decent cave to stay the night.

We started a fire and talked and told some stories. We didn't get along at first, especially Jungkook but trust is starting to build and it made me feel optimistic for the future.

Jungkook as it turns out was a baker in his spare time while enlisting the knights. He was carrying boxes after boxes for his father every day since he could. That explains his large build.

I also found out that Lisa is from a different kingdom and got her knighthood from there since our kingdom still doesn't permit that. She's one of the few female knights we have.

V on the other hand is raised by his single mother and worked as a tailor before enlisting. He said that he knew my mother from when he helped his mom sew and her mother was so heartbroken when they heard the news.

When the fire finally sizzled and the embers were the only source of light we agreed to get our well deserved rest and called it a night.

I was laying down on my made-up bed and I couldn't help but think about Jennie. I hope she's okay.

I still can't believe she said she loved me. I can't help but smile.

But I didn't even get the chance to say it back. That would be one of my motivations to get back. I have to say it back.

That was my last thought before falling asleep.

Entry of Taekook and Lisa y'all 🎉😊

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