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A/N: Smut warning! skip if you're not comfortable or if you're under the age of 18, pls skip/don't read this 🙂


Jisoo POV

It sucks that words and time never worked for us, maybe I can make her feel that this is all worth it.

She moved her hands from my neck to grab my face and passionately kissed me.

I moved my hands down and kept it on her waist to feel her perfect curves under my hand and pulled her closer.

She pulled back and looked at my gray eyes like she's putting them permanently in her memory.

I leaned in and I kissed her again but this
time a little more roughly. I craved her.

She moaned and it made the atmosphere in the room a lot more hotter, then she suddenly bit my lip that made me groan and my hand tighten on her waist but not enough to hurt her.

I felt her hands drag down my arms and moved to insert her hands under my shirt as she slightly dragged her nails down my abdomen which flexed from the sudden contact.

She kept her palms on my stomach while kissing me and it's so alluring. It made me crave her more.

Jennie pulled back to look at me while biting her lip slightly. She removed her hands under my shirt and she took my hand to pull me by the bed.

She stood in front of me with the bed right behind her. Then she unzipped her dress slowly while staring at my eyes then I saw it fall to the ground.

I could feel my heart thumping like crazy. I'm still not sure if it's from excitement or nervousness or maybe both.

I dragged my eyes down her body, from her face, then past her covered intimates, then to her long beautiful legs and it made my heart beat louder.

"You're so beautiful," I said whispered truthfully.

She blushed then slowly laid on the bed with only her undergarments "Take your shirt off" she said while looking up at me from the bed.

I followed her order and slowly took off my shirt and threw it somewhere in the room. I wasn't wearing a bra so I was exposed from the waist up.

She sat up slowly while staring at my stomach. She traced my abs then slid them lower and looped her fingers on my belt while looking up at me then she pulled me by my belt making me fall on top of her and between her legs.

I kept my arms on her sides to keep me from putting all my weight on her "Where is this coming from?" I asked teasingly.

She shrugged "Maybe, I've just been looking forward to this for a while" she smiled at me teasingly.

I blushed from her bluntness then I leaned down to kiss her. She wrapped her arms around my neck and kissed back with just as much passion.

I felt her open her legs more making me a lot closer to her and when our centers touched we both moaned.

While kissing her I moved up and pulled her with me so our legs aren't dangling on the edge and I accidentally rubbed on her center making her gasp.

"Fuck" I whispered "I won't be able to stop if you keep making those sounds," I said with a slight rasp in my voice.

"Who said anything about stopping," she said confidently then pulled me back to kiss her.

She confidently took my hand and put it right on her breast and I groaned from the contact.

I inserted my hand under her bra to touch her tender skin and I felt her nipple hardening from my touch.

I squeezed her breast while lightly grinding on her as she moaned right on my ear and she started kissing my neck while I fondled her breast.

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