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Jisoo POV

After ten long minutes, the messenger finally arrived to give us news of what was going on outside. The King stood up from the couch and approached the knight who was still catching his breath from all the running.

"Your Highness, there are so many of them, but we're still holding them Children and women are evacuated to the safe rooms inside the castle." The knight panted.

The king nodded "The army that was led by Seung-hyun. Are they back?"

I looked up hoping for the best. Everyone was waiting for the knight to speak.

The knight looked down "No your highness, rumors are spreading that they might've been captured and brought back to The Savages' territory"

Everyone turned their attention to me, It's like they're waiting for what I would do next. I need to think. I can't let my emotions take control.

"How many Savages do you think are fighting here in our kingdom?" I asked the knight.

He looked at me and recognized me, his eyes widened "U-umm I think they might be hundreds, most likely their whole army"

I went to a little table at the back and looked for a piece of paper and anything I could write with. I opened some drawers and found some old scrolls and some pens.

I drew a basic map of the kingdoms close to us.

"What are you doing?" The King asked me while looking over my shoulder to look at my map.

"We need to figure out where their kingdom could be. They can't be that far if they can supply that many people and resources for their military in a short amount of time" I said while writing the kingdoms that I knew.

The King stood beside me "It's not going to be that easy Jisoo, we've been trying to figure that out for years" he said sadly.

I looked at him seriously "This might be our only chance, your highness"

He nodded defeated "Okay this is all of what we figured out" He took the pen from me and started writing on the map. The chief was also pointing out and marking where some attacks happened in the last couple of months.

We were all working together and giving as much insight as we could because we are running out of time. We are now seated on the floor discussing and Jennie is seated beside me. She's still hasn't spoken much, probably because of the anxiety that was invading her body.

Thirty minutes have passed and still nothing. The scroll is covered with notes, scribbles, and drawings but it's all for nothing.

The knight just arrived back again to give news "Your Highness they want you"

The room was silenced.

I looked back at the map again. I followed the red lines across the map. "Where could you be hiding" I whispered.

Then suddenly everything came together. My eyes widened from the realization.

"You're not going anywhere you're highness" Everyone looked at me confused.

"I know where they are," I said.

I took my sword from the table and said "You're highness, take the horses and head to Longford's Kingdom with your family" I said while fixing my armor.

The King walked closer to me "What are you planning child?" He whispered.

"I'm going to do something that I didn't have the strength to do before," I said.

The King looked at me like he knew what I was referring to but he asked anyway "And what is that?"

I looked at him straight in the eye "To kill the King of Savages" I said with so much determination.

I stepped back from him "but before anything else, I need you and you're family safe. There is no Kingdom without you"

Being curious, Jennie and the Queen moved closer to us to hear what we were discussing.

"What are we going to do? I don't want you to go out there, they'll kill you" The Queen said to her husband while close to tears.

"He's not," I said while the King and I are still having our own staring contest.

Jennie looked at me then to her father "What is she saying, dad?"

The King moved his attention from me to his daughter "Jisoo wants us to run to the safety of the Longford's Kingdom" The King said.

"We can't just leave. How about the people?" Jennie said. She is already thinking like a Queen. Her concern for the people is palpable. It brought a small smile to my face. She's going to be a great Queen.

The King nodded "Jisoo is going to stay"

Jennie looked at me angrily "No you're not"

I looked at her confused "What do you mean no I'm not?"

Jennie looked at her father "You're seriously considering this father? You want us to run while she and everyone stays here?"

The King looked down "It's either that or we surrender, and surrendering is worse for everyone, especially for the people. Seung-hyun is not here to lead the army, so she's our best shot. She knows everything about that, she's next in line in her father's position" The King finished and nodded at me.

"Sorry to interrupt your highness but The Savages are getting impatient" The knight by the door said.

The King and I looked at each other and nodded before moving.

Here we go.

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