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Jisoo POV

These couple of days we laid low and didn't do anything to get anyone's attention, especially the Longfords.

I spoke to the women who were experienced in fighting but weren't allowed to be knights and I asked them to help me secretly train more women.

We trained them in the forest where it's hidden. It wasn't really easy to convince all of them to fight but surprisingly we have quite a lot who agreed.

So far all of these were kept secret. None of the royals even knew what we were doing, except for the King.

I'm walking past the market now, headed to Judy's newly built library. I passed by the ships that were docked and looked at children running and playing while their parents are selling fruits and other kinds of food.

I smiled at the children and felt more determined in saving this kingdom.

I entered slowly and heard the bell above the door ring. "Hello? Judy?" I called.

I heard footsteps heading down the stairs and looked up and saw Isabelle wearing her signature summer dress "Hey Soojoo" I greeted and smiled.

"Hey Jisoo, I haven't seen you in a while" She smiled slightly but it's obvious that she wants to ask a lot of things.

I only shrugged "Yea, a lot has happened," I said forcing a smile "I was hoping to catch Judy here," I said looking around.

"Oh, it's just me. She just left and went to
the market" she replied.

I was just at the market, I probably just went past her.

I faced Soojoo "That's fine, I was thinking about talking to you too," I said.

Her brows raised slightly "Really? What about?" She asked.

"I need you to sit down for this," I said and grabbed her hand to pull her to the nearby couch.

When we were finally seated I started to speak "I don't know how to say this, but there's going to be another war," I said waiting for her reaction.

Her eyes widened, terrified "W-what? We're still recovering from the last war. That can't be true" she said shaken up.

I sighed "A lot is happening behind closed doors that we have no control over. We don't have a lot of options to win this war, that's why I'm here, I want to ask you for help" I said.

She looked at me confused "I don't know how I could possibly help" she said.

"You will be a huge help Soojoo" I smiled at
her encouragingly. "I want to train you to fight," I said.

Her eyes widened "I don't think I can fight even if you teach me Jisoo. I can't even walk without tripping" she gave me an unsure smile.

I chuckled slightly at her statement "It's just a backup plan when things go bad, I just want you to be able to defend yourself. And even if it comes to that, we'll team you up with someone who already knows how to fight, so you won't be an easy prey"

I sighed "I know it's a lot to ask, but this could be our last chance to save our Kingdom. I won't ask you to risk your lives otherwise. We don't have any other choice Soojoo" I said sadly.

She looked at me thoughtfully "Okay, What do you want me to do?" She smiled trying to cheer me up.

I smiled at her "Follow me" I said before
standing up. She nodded and followed me. We walked out the door and went straight to the forest.

While walking she kept on glancing at me but I kept my eyes straight forward, acting like I didn't notice it. I know she's still thinking about all that happened. Especially finding out that I'm the Knight of Roses. I never had the chance to explain everything but I guess it's going to stay that way, at least for now.

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