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Jisoo POV

I watched as Jennie and Prince Kai exited the clinic. My blood started boiling from anger and jealousy.

"I could already tell he's an asshole," Lisa said while rolling her eyes.

V nodded "I've never actually met a royal who's nice except for the ones in our kingdom," he said thoughtfully.

I'm still glaring at the door where they just left.

Jungkook looked up to me from where he's sitting, which was beside V's bed "Hey Jisoo, let Kai have his fun. They'll go down soon enough, and when they do we'll be watching in the front row seat" he tried comforting me, which worked.

I nodded "He just pisses me off so much. How could a person be that cruel? Paying other people to do their dirty work" I said in disbelief.

"That's not the only reason you're pissed at him. It's also about a certain blonde beauty" Lisa commented and V and Jungkook laughed.

I rolled my eyes "I should go. I'll just talk to my father and ask if he already spoke with the King" I said.

They nodded and I proceeded out of the door. I felt the sun just as I stepped out and it felt amazing. I started to appreciate these simple things after being locked up for so long.

I walked slowly feeling my shoes hit the pavement and looked around our Kingdom while heading to my destination.

I tried my luck and went to our house first and hope my father is there, cause I really don't want to go to the castle and see Jennie and Prince Kai together, so I hope my father was home.

I went straight to his room and saw him writing something on top of his big wooden table. I smiled.

"Good morning father" I greeted and he turned to look at me.

He stood up "Hey kiddo, what have you been up to?" He asked then he hugged me.

I just shrugged when he stepped away to look at me "I just left the clinic. V was hysterical last night when he found out that they have to cut his leg off if he wants to survive, and we went there to comfort him and convince him that everything's gonna be fine" I sighed with sorrow.

My father looked heartbroken "That's too bad. He was doing well when we were traveling. I thought his leg would be fine. Good thing he has you guys to be there for him" he said and smiled sadly.

I only shrugged, still worried about V.

"So what's the reason you're looking for me?" My father asked while going back to his chair.

I sat on his bed "I wanted to ask if you already spoke with the King and when are we going to deal with the Longfords" I replied.

He sighed and faced me again "Yes, I already spoke with the King and I found out that it's not that simple to take down the Longfords" he shook his head.

I looked at him confused "What do you mean it's not that simple father? We could just go to war and do our best to win and we will win" I moved closer to him and tried to convince him "If we could take down a huge Kingdom like the Savages with nothing but sticks and stones, we can take them down with a whole army father" I told him determined.

He smiled slightly "I love your determination and heart for the kingdom Jisoo, you'll be a great leader someday" he smiled proudly but then he became serious and continued.

"I found out that we don't know a lot about our kingdom, a lot changed while we were gone" he sighed "We can't just go to war because we don't have knights to fight for us," he said glaringly at the floor.

I'm becoming more confused. We lost a lot of knights from the war but the majority of them survived "What? We have knights father, and we have a lot. A lot of them are being trained every day and getting promoted to knights. I don't get what you're saying father" I said. I don't really know what's my father on about.

He sighed "I spoke to the King yesterday and he explained that during the war with The Savages our kingdom was losing a lot. The food was scarce, the medical necessities are running low and we were losing a lot of people. The King made a deal with the Longfords to help us with all of these but only until the war was over because we could easily get back all of what we lost"

He looked at me while glaring "But these monsters thought about everything. The Longfords asked for our military as payment to the loans and they will give the rights to us back after everything is paid, which from today would take over six months minimum. The King didn't care at the time because the Princess is going to marry Prince Kai anyway so what's the harm" He swallowed then continued.

"But now everything is going downhill and we don't even have an army behind us and he even lost his only child to them. The daughter he loves so dearly" He shook his head.

I can't help but be angry at the King for putting Jennie in the middle of all this, he could just remove their marriage in paper and pull back the contract, he's still the King but I guess it's too late and he can't do anything at this point, the Longfords are in control now.

Somehow I understood that his mind is
always for the betterment of everyone in this kingdom even if it breaks him to give up his daughter for it. We just got back from a
war and now we're already headed to another one, but I know this time it's
going to be different.

I was already thinking of ways to get through this deal but first I need to know more about it. I looked up at my father "Does the King know about the Longfords and the Savages' relationship?" I asked.

My father nodded "But when he found out it was too late. The princess was already married to Prince Kai and the deal was done. The King made a lot of mistakes in his life, but I can't imagine the regret he's feeling now" He said sadly.

The King is a good man with good intentions but I understand that he's still human and makes mistakes, but mistakes like these are just too big to sweep under the rug.

We need to fix this and we need to fix it fast or this just might be the last time we'll see our kingdom standing.

We already hit the Longfords hard after defeating the Savages but now we need to be smarter. That's our only shot in winning this.

"We can do this father. Just like before. We don't need an army, we just need an effective plan" I said "We have the people, they will stand behind us through all this. They can keep our knights and hide them in their kingdom. And we'll fight with all of what we got, they'll never defeat the people whose hearts belong here" I stated.

My father looked at me thoughtfully, considering my plan "All the men are in the army. The only men we have here are the old people who can't fight" My father said.

I smirked "Maybe it's time we let the women fight"

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