It's so good to see you

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A/N: So For You I Will #1 hit 100,000 reads the other day. It's absolutely mind blowing. Thanks to everyone who has read, voted, commented and hopefully enjoyed. It's really humbling and again, mind blowing. Thank you. Onto the chapter.

Y/N sat down at the kitchen table in Dean and Penny's apartment, magically flicking the light switch on. He reached out and patted Penny's owl, Archimedes, as he heard his brother in his head.

You did great with your training Y/N.

Y/N sighed, sending back:

It had better be enough.

He heard:

Just make sure you practice your animagus transformations in the Room of Requirement and keep it to yourself, it's an Azkaban sentence for being unregistered. Hermione can know but no one else.

Yeah I know, op sec. You coming to the wedding?

I'll be there running security. You won't see me.

Y/N nodded as Jacob's communication withdrew from his mind. He continued to pat Archimedes as he looked over at the calendar- 2nd August 1992. One week until the wedding. It was the only reason he came back so early, a month of holidays still to go. He looked across at the owl who was enjoying his strokes and spoke out loud:

"Can't wait for Penny any longer. You happy to deliver a letter for me mate?"

The owl hooted happily and Y/N smiled. He summoned a piece of parchment and quill from his pouch and started to write.

Dear Hermione,

How are you? How has your summer been? I just got back to Dean and Penny's. Know that I haven't forgotten Bane's warning. I have pushed myself harder than ever. I will not fail you.

I've missed you so much. Can I see you tomorrow?

My warmest thoughts

PS Please give your parents my best.


Hermione was sat in the lounge with her parents. They were watching The Two Ronnies, Wendell laughing loudly. Hermione was deep into Mind your Mind volume II, a book she had borrowed from Dean and Penny when Monica asked suddenly:

"Can I hear a window tapping?"

Hermione gasped in happiness, exclaiming "Y/N!" and rushing to the window. She opened it and a beautiful short eared owl flew in, landing on the coffee table and hooting proudly.

 She opened it and a beautiful short eared owl flew in, landing on the coffee table and hooting proudly

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"Hello Archimedes. Is that for me?" Hermione asked happily as she took the rolled up parchment from his leg. She read with a huge smile as Monica got a leftover pattie from the fridge, giving it to the happy owl.

For You I Will #2- The Chamber Of Secrets Where stories live. Discover now