A School Full of Fear

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Y/N woke early even for him, 4:30am, and smiled as he stroked the loyal little Bowtruckle laying next to his bed. He sat up and struggled with one arm in a sling to get his pants on over his boxers but managed just as Madam Pomfrey arrived at his cubicle.

"What are you doing up so early Y/N?" the Matron asked suspiciously as Y/N's shoes and other articles of clothing were shrunk and placed into his pouch wandlessly.

"I'm always awake at this time Madam, I go for a morning workout with Hermione each morning."

"Ms Granger works out with you?" Pomfrey asked with a chuckle.

"Well no, she more sits there and studies but-"

Y/N was cut off by a loud cackle from the nurse, who added "I'll bet she does" with a titter and a shake of her head. Y/N looked slightly puzzled before answering:

"Quite. Anyway if you would be good enough to give me the potions I need for today I'll be on my way."

"You most certainly will not!" Pomfrey roared in anger.

"Yes I will, ma'am" Y/N replied patiently, but with a growing sense of frustration.

"Whatever this thing is has attacked twice now. It's targeting Muggleborns. I'm not about to sit on my arse in hospital while Hermione is in danger. I am leaving this hospital one way or another, if you would be good enough to give me a pain killing Potion it would be appreciated."


It was nearly 6:00am by the time Y/N had dragged himself and Newt up the many staircases to the Gryffindor common room. He was topless still, and shoeless, his arm in a sling and had a five o'clock shadow that would just have to stay today. His appearance was enough to startle the fat lady as she gasped and let him in.

He entered and was surprised but overjoyed to see Hermione sat on their couch in front of the fireplace, chatting to Lavender.

"Mione!" Y/N smiled in happiness and relief as the two rushed each other, hugging tight. It was agonising but Y/N kept a cool poker face, hiding the pain.

"What are you doing here? Madam Pomfrey wouldn't have dismissed you yet?" Hermione asked concerned as the pair separated from the hug.

"She did... eventually. There was a... spirited conversation about it."

Lavender chuckled while Hermione narrowed her eyes at Y/N. He sighed:

"Sorry, I just had to see you." He glanced around the common room before continuing quietly:

"Little Colin Creevey has been petrified. He was brought into the Hospital wing last night. Keep it to yourselves until they announce it."

Lav covered her mouth with her hands. Hermione nodded, seemingly taking it in her stride. Y/N looked down.

"When they brought him in. When they were surrounding him I was so worried... I was so scared that you..."

Y/N trailed off, unable to complete his sentence. Hermione charged him, wrapping him in a bone crunching hug. It was agonising, but Y/N didn't care- he wrapped his left arm around Hermione's back and the relief of being back close to Hermione outweighed the pain. Y/N melted into the embrace, inhaling the scent of her hair, feeling her against his chest, knowing she was safe. He felt a stillness and calmness he wasn't used to.

They eventually headed down to breakfast after Hermione helped Y/N get a shirt and shoes on. McGonagall had arrived at the common room at 7:00am to accompany Hermione down to breakfast. She was not impressed seeing Y/N, but he smiled and stated he had kept his promise and did sleep in the infirmary. He never promised to stay there after he woke.

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