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It had been a few days since the 'disciplining'. Everything around Hogwarts was quiet- especially Y/N.

He had been dismissed from hospital the day after the whipping and since he had been quiet, withdrawn, very different to how he was prior. There was no laughing, there was no joking. There was only a steely focused gaze. He would only speak in short sharp bursts. He was intimidating just to be around for everyone, except 'Mione. Even Lavender, Ron and Harry could feel something coming off of him- anger, darkness... something that made them want to back away slowly in fear.

Hermione had asked him about his sullen mood after a couple of days. She was worried he was traumatised from the horrible assault. She was shocked when he had said instead that the whipping had been cathartic for him. He realised how badly he had fucked up. That had it not been for the fortuitousness of his last name he would have been dragged to Azkaban and Hermione would have been left completely alone and vulnerable.

He couldn't let his own stupidity jeopardise her safety again. More to the point he had to be punished, for putting Hermione potentially in harms way.

It was dinner time Wednesday and after accompanying Hermione and their friends to the Great Hall for dinner, Y/N was patted on the shoulder by Professor McGonagall. Y/N nodded and turned to Hermione with a smile she saw straight through:

"I need to go with Professor McGonagall for a private engagement. You three need to accompany Hermione to the library after dinner, and if necessary, back to the common room before curfew. I don't know how long I will be."

Lavender and Harry nodded. Ron started to whine:

"The library until curfew. That's hours and-"

He wisely cut himself off when he saw the look on Y/N's face.

Y/N gave Hermione the same forced smile as she stood and hugged him, giving him a kiss on the cheek.

"We'll talk later tonight Y/N?"

Y/N nodded before walking off with their Head of House.


The two entered the Headmaster's office, Professor McGonagall looked in surprise at her former student who stood waiting next to the Headmaster.

The two entered the Headmaster's office, Professor McGonagall looked in surprise at her former student who stood waiting next to the Headmaster

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"How are you feeling Y/N? Albus has filled me on what happened. You put yourself through hell to stay on mission. I'm proud of you. Why did you ask Albus to summon me?"

Jacob spoke with a smile and warmth Y/N hadn't heard from him before. Ever. The three adults were therefore shocked when Y/N completely ignored it, saying simply:

"I allowed my emotions to get the better of me and jeopardised Hermione's safety. I need to be punished Jacob. I need to be purified by pain. Do it!"

Y/N stared at his brother emotionless, waiting for a torture curse that never came. The three adults instead were staring at Y/N.

For You I Will #2- The Chamber Of Secrets Where stories live. Discover now