The Burrow

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Y/N smiled as he woke just before dawn in the Burrow. The wedding had been fantastic. Dean and Penny ended up leaving about 10pm and the Grangers not long after.

Y/N left with Molly and Arthur about midnight- Bill and Charlie were still drinking with their and Dean's friends and Y/N heard them drunkenly try to get to their room at about 3am.

Y/N was staying in Charlie's old room, Bill and Charlie were staying for a couple of days in Bill's old room.

Molly had said to Y/N that they would sort sleeping arrangements in the morning. He had no idea what she was talking about.

They had driven home in Arthur's Ford Anglia, driving through London before Arthur turned the car invisible and flew it once they got passed Heathrow.

Ginny fell asleep on the way home and Y/N had insisted on carrying her up to her room bridal style, rather than wake her, while Arthur parked the car in the garage.

Y/N had laid her down, taken off her shoes, tucked her in and kissed her gently on the forehead as Molly smiled from the doorway.

"You're so good with her" Molly whispered as Y/N quietly closed the door behind him.

"Well I love her, she's my little sister. I love all of you" Y/N smiled.

It may have been the sherry but Molly felt overwhelmed, hugging her godson firmly as he happily returned it.

"And we love you too Y/N. You'll always be part of this family"


Y/N gave Newt his morning feed as he pulled shorts on and quietly went downstairs. He exited to the yard and limbered up, smiling at the pigs and chickens before starting his workout. He was topless today, his scar hurting something fierce, as he began the six mile return run to the local village of Ottery St. Catchpole.

He was greeted by a lot of locals who were out and about early as he ran through to the centre of the village. He greeted them back happily- folk were certainly very friendly in the West Country.

Y/N got back puffing and sweating as he jumped up to a tree branch, beginning his pull ups.


Y/N had gone through his whole morning workout. The pull ups, the push ups, the sit ups, the burpees, the bear crawls, the squats and the lunges. Molly had got up just as he returned from his run and watched her godson through her kitchen window.

She looked at him as he entered the house through the kitchen door, a sweaty breathless mess. He smiled and said "Morning Molly" through his breathlessness and gulped down a large glass of water.

She smiled, but wore a concerned expression as she took in his bare torso. His pecs that were starting to take shape and definition, his abs which showed a defined six pack, his large shoulders and arms and the veins visible on them; finally the large angled scar across his chest.

This boy, her godson, was being pushed far, far too hard by Jacob, his body resembled a man's, not a twelve year old boy's. He had been taken from one cage when it was exposed what that horrible woman had done to him and placed in another when he was placed in Jacob's guardianship. Molly would do everything in her power for the next two weeks to baby him as much as possible. Give him a loving home. She owed it to Thomas.

"Morning Y/N, how are you darling? I was watching you out there. Do you do that every morning?"

"Yes ma'am. Just need a shower and I'll go get the food for my breakfast" Y/N smiled.

"Y/N no, I'll cook you and the others a big hearty breakfast- bacon, eggs, fried bread and sausages and-"

Y/N held his hands up, cutting off his godmother midway through her sales pitch, as he countered:

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