Into the Abyss

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Y/N sat as he always did, staring at Hermione's expressionless face. He looked like all hope had been sucked from him, like a man who had given up on life. He now had a small stubbly beard from not shaving for weeks, one far more advanced than most boys his age. The bags under his eyes were apparent as were the tear marks that looked to be permanently stained on his face. He had been, in essence, completely broken.

He couldn't remember the last time he ate- Severus brought food each day. Sometimes he ate, sometimes he didn't. His sleep was broken, he would lose consciousness eventually and then wake up, each time nothing had changed, Hermione was still the same.

Madam Pomfrey had tried to make him leave at one point for his own welfare, to get some fresh air and to breathe. She had quickly given in and left him alone though when a stunning spell flew passed her ear. She realised this was a warning. The next wouldn't miss.


Harry entered the hospital wing alone- Lavender couldn't bear to go back in and Ron waited with her. Madam Pomfrey smiled at him and waved him over, warning him to be careful when approaching the teenager next to their petrified friend. Harry approached his best friend cautiously.

"Y/N, we think we've found the entrance. Lockhart is going down to the chamber and we are going to go with him, Ron, Lav and I. The heir took Ginny, left a message saying her skeleton will lie in the chamber forever. We're going to try and rescue her. But we can't do this without you. We need your help. I need your help. Please, Y/N..."

Y/N's gaze didn't leave Hermione but after a few moments he spoke in a croaky voice, one that hadn't been used for weeks:

"Let me say goodbye."

Harry nodded and he went to wait outside the infirmary, signalling Ron and Lavender to wait.

Y/N looked down at Hermione. He felt his eyes watering again. He was sure he wasn't going to make it out of the chamber. He didn't deserve to make it out. He had one job, to keep her safe, and he failed. He wouldn't fail Ginny like he failed Hermione, even if it cost his life. 

Y/N leant down to kiss Hermione's cheek and he spoke to her:

"Hermione my love. There's so much I should have said. I was too cowardly to tell you how I felt. I focused too much on protecting you when I should have focused on loving you. I should have told you how much I didn't deserve you. That you are the greatest thing to ever happen to me. My best friend. My soul mate... and I failed you. Because of me you were petrified. I promised to protect you and I failed. I failed you."

Y/N sobbed and cupped his eyes, the words caught in his throat.

"I'm going now. I'm going to end this once and for all. I'm gonna kill this fucker... or die trying. But if I don't make it back I just want you to know..."

Y/N paused, he should have told her this ages ago:

"...I love you Hermione. I love you with everything I am. I have since the moment I first met you. I just wish I told you sooner."

Y/N leant down to kiss Hermione's cheek again before holding her frozen hand. As he pulled it away he brushed against something sticking out of her pocket. It looked like a piece of parchment. How did he miss this before? Something in his gut told him this was important, so he carefully removed it, unfolding it to read three words:

Basilisk... roosters... pipes.

"Hermione of course you figured it out, my angel."

Y/N chuckled before returning the parchment and leaning down to kiss her cheek once more. He turned and wiped his eyes, leaving the cubicle and then the infirmary with a returned fire in his gut. Harry smiled at the look of determination on Y/N's face as he exited the hospital wing. It was like the old resolute Y/N had returned.

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