Hidden Injuries

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Penny walked towards Cutie Pie's bedroom. It was strange, nearly 9:00am and she hadn't seen Y/N yet. He was always up early, always doing his workout. Penny hadn't seen or heard him though. She knocked on the door and heard Hermione call to come in.

Penny entered and looked at the bed with a smile. Y/N was on his back, his arm around Hermione who was leaning up and smiling.

"Morning Penny" Hermione smiled.

"Morning you two. Decent? Everything covered up?" Penny asked with a chuckle as she walked in.

"Unfortunately" Hermione snickered back as both witches giggled.

"I can hear you both you know" Y/N answered with a smirk without opening his eyes. Hermione leant down and kissed her boyfriend gently on the lips.

"Morning sweetheart" Y/N said with a smile as they parted.

"Morning love" she smiled back.

"Just made a pot of tea and wanted to know if you two wanted some. Dean had to, uh leave early for work but I'm off today" Penny smiled.

"That's lovely. Thank you, Penny" Hermione smiled. She climbed over Y/N, kissing him on the way over. Y/N stopped her, pulling her into a deeper kiss that Hermione smiled into before Penny cleared her throat. Penny rolled her eyes hearing Y/N chuckle.

Hermione stood and put on one of Penny's dressing gowns over the nighty she was in. She smiled down at her boyfriend and said:

"Come on, up you get."

Y/N tried to pull himself up from his position laying on his back but grunted in pain and fell back to the bed. He tried again with Hermione holding a supportive hand on his back and managed to sit up and swing his legs over the edge of the bed but grimaced heavily.

"It's not better is it?" Hermione asked in a tone mixed with frustration and concern.

"No if anything it's worse" Y/N answered, still grimacing in pain.

"Merlin's beard" Hermione grumbled to herself as she lovingly and supportively rubbed Y/N's large shoulder.

"Um excuse me what was that just now? What's wrong Cutie Pie?" Penny asked in a panicked tone. Hermione sighed, knowing Y/N wasn't going to say anything:

"He hurt his back in the battle with the Basilisk. Apparently, he decided not to tell Madam Pomfrey. It's been hurting since but he keeps dismissing it as 'fine' and now he can hardly get out of bed!"

Hermione's tone told Y/N she was very mad. He glanced up into Penny's eyes.

Oh fuck. He braced himself...




"Y/N!!!" Penny shrieked in a terrified/I'm very very VERY worried tone.

"Why would you not get medical help!?!"

Y/N chuckled: "Two parts pride, one part stubbornness?"

He looked up again. Penny didn't see the funny side. Y/N sighed and elaborated:

"Look I'd just been through a massive battle, found out about Grindelwald and nearly died. I figured the Phoenix tears would have worked. Turned out they only hit the poison. And besides. I just couldn't go to the infirmary at the time and see..."

Hermione hugged him instantly and Penny seemed to understand. She asked gently:

"After Hermione was cured, after you had declared your love, why didn't you go see Poppy then?"

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