For You I Will

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The rest of the trip passed quickly. Too quickly- Y/N and Hermione had a fantastic time. Everyday they would smile and laugh together, hold hands, hug, go on long romantic walks, Y/N organised several picnics for just the pair of them on the shores of Loch Ness- Monica adored watching the budding love between the pair and laughed at Wendell as he rolled his eyes- Monica would whisper to her husband: "any day now."

Every night Y/N and Hermione would 'secretly' sleep next to each other, and every night there was not a single nightmare of Lyra and her abuse.

Unfortunately, Y/N's vision would still plague him every night. It seemed to intensify the closer they came to returning to Hogwarts. Y/N kept the worry down deep inside and hid it, desperate not to scare Hermione.


Y/N and Hermione were sitting alone in a compartment on the Hogwarts Express. Y/N was in a state of high alert. It was starting. It was coming. This is why he had pushed himself to breaking point, and then pushed through it, all summer.

It was go time.

Hermione picked up on the tension in her best friend and squeezed his hand, giving him a reassuring smile.

She knew how worried he was about Bane's prophecy. She knew how hard Y/N had pushed himself over the summer. Jacob caught up with Penny one day when Dean was at work. Dean and Jacob would butt heads constantly when they were around each other for more than ten minutes, but Jacob, like Y/N, adored Penny.

He had told her how hard Y/N pushed himself, the hours and hours of gruelling, torturous training that Y/N forced Jacob to submit him to.

How concerned Jacob was for his youngest brother's mental health.

After the Loch Ness trip, Hermione and Y/N went back to Dean and Penny's house to stay, and Penny had pulled Hermione aside, told her about Y/N's pushing of himself. Begged her to keep an eye on Y/N. Hermione had of course agreed.

Hermione was pulled from the memory as she squeezed Y/N's hand again and looked at him. When Y/N was in fight or flight mode he got a certain look in his eyes, a coldness- like he was ready to kick off at a moment's notice. Hermione tried to distract him by asking:

"I wonder where Harry and Ron are? Haven't seen or heard a peek of either of them"

Y/N looked down at Hermione, his eyes softening, a warm smile threatening to break across his lips as he replied:

"I'm sure they're on the train somewhere. Molly would never let them miss it. Try not to stress 'Mione, they'll catch up with us."

Hermione nodded, resting her head on Y/N's shoulder before the door opened and a girl stood there with a large smile:

"Hey guys I've missed you both so much!"

Hermione was instantly on her feet, wrapping Lavender in a tight hug. Y/N stood and the two awkwardly shook hands- they still weren't really talking after their falling out the previous year.

Lavender pulled Hermione down onto the seat across from Y/N and the two quickly began catching up and gossiping. Hermione glanced at Y/N repeatedly, noticing his gaze harden again as he looked out the window.

A couple of minutes later the door opened again and Hermione's face dropped, Lavender scowled and Y/N remained unchanged.

"Baby!!!" Katie screamed, bolting into the room and jumping on Y/N's lap. She kissed him deeply as Hermione averted her gaze, saddened, and Lavender grew an angry shade of red.

"Katie!!" Y/N snapped, pulling her off of himself and managing to hold her at arms length:

"For Merlin's sake, Hermione and Lavender are sat right there!"

For You I Will #2- The Chamber Of Secrets Where stories live. Discover now